The freedom to put Argentina up for sale

The freedom to put Argentina up for sale
The freedom to put Argentina up for sale

Javier Milei – Nicolás Stulberg

National Day is a good time to reflect on the situation in the country. President Javier Milei He has managed to persuade millions of Argentines who gave him their vote of confidence and who, however, have not seen a single right, whether economic, social, cultural, or of any kind, guaranteed in a better way since he assumed the presidency. .

It is true that he won the elections by the majority vote, that he has been very successful in his media appearances, that he has had the ability to emerge in an Argentina that has many debts and that he has said in the campaign – and in each of his advertisements- that he was going to act quite cruelly, but failed to make clear the recipient which ended up being the entire Argentine people.

However, it is no less plausible that the President does not have a strategic vision of the country’s development. And what is much more malicious (realistic will, guided by knowledge in the specific case), he does not pretend to have it.

He began his company (government) by attacking every social actor he could: teachers, workers, journalists and artists. His “media shows” crossed the borders with offenses to China, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and, this last week, to the President of the Spanish government. His attitudes not only damage diplomatic and commercial relations, but also They affect the position, credibility and history of our country, in a multipolar context.

It is not about apologizing to the King or worrying about the “anguish” of our heroes, as Mauricio Macri did, nor about irresponsibly and violently attacking foreign leaders, with special omission – because they are repugnant – of praising Margaret Thatcher, as Milei does. It is about being rational, sensible and thinking about the well-being of the Argentines. There were 11 diplomatic conflicts in 5 months.

Javier Milei and Pedro Sánchez

Argentina is one of the 8 countries with the largest territorial area, it is the fourth largest producer of lithium in the world and is a global power when it comes to a vital resource such as water (it ranks sixth in the amount of water resources). sweet per capita with respect to some countries in America, Europe, Australia and Japan).

Let’s make the effort to get rid of emotions and subjectivities, let’s run through the electoral dispute for a moment and think about the interests that benefit Argentina: What are the strategic positions adopted by the National Executive Branch in favor of the development of Argentina? What do the alliances consist of that, the President assumes, are the best resource to defend our sovereignty?

If you look slightly at the global dashboard, you can detect that, fundamentally, after the pandemic, most countries mix protectionist and free trade policies. The United States, for example, Milei’s favorite country, protects its industry and its value chains.

We are witnessing with perplexity a political stage that Under the motto of freedom, it seeks to put Argentina up for sale and it does so while subjecting the people to one of the most distressing and pressing stages in economic, cultural and social terms in recent decades.

The President’s attempts, although frustrated, were limited to the generation of a legal system in favor of foreign interests. Until now, his government has only shown the vocation to implement measures -DNU, Bases Law, RIGI, among others- with a ruinous horizon for the national heritage. If the legislative brake does not occur, the transfer of resources and the most eloquent loss of sovereignty since the recovery of democracy will take place.

It is a civic duty to collaborate so that a democratically elected president does well and, for these reasons, there is the capacity to listen and predisposition of the political forces, governors and many legislators. However, When the only thing we are talking about is going against the national interests and the happiness of the majority, there is no possible help, we are only complicit.

We want to attract investment, of course we do. But not at the cost of national sovereignty, of industrialicide, of the scrapping of strategic national companies, of the subjugation of acquired rights, of the defunding of universities and of the adjustment, in Milei’s own words, the largest in the history of humanity. .

Who can be complicit in such dehumanization? If the political, legal, economic and social system came with serious problems, is it the Argentine population that has to pay with its anguish and suffering?

It requires intellectual honesty and greatness of leadership to recognize that The last stage in which the country had a development project that defended the national interest was between 2003 and 2015. That Argentina, with debts, with errors, with problems, got rid of the IMF debt, achieved the highest salary in dollars in the region and left a “very low” debt, according to Mauricio Macri’s own former economy minister.

Just to cite a few examples, during that period we were a country that created 250,000 new companies, generated almost 6 million jobs, was one of the 8 countries in the world to build satellites, created 18 universities, developed a Nuclear Plan , sanctioned the Software law to encourage the Knowledge Economy, extended the fiber optic network by 34,500 kilometers, launched the Raíces plan to promote the repatriation of 1,300 scientists, among many other policies that improved the lives of Argentines and Argentines.

The appearance of Vaca Muerta, the second unconventional gas reserve in the world, which was forged thanks to the YPF recovery It allowed us energy sovereignty and the opportunity to create a synergistic model between the public and private sectors, which also added value to each link in the production chain.

In short, it is about believing, wanting, defending and loving what is one’s own.

That country came out of hell with the political decisions of Néstor Kirchner and his partner Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and it was under the order of their ideas, convictions and government that a normal Argentina was built and a place where no demands were made of its inhabitants. the effort and anguish to which the Milei government is subjecting them.

The national day should call us to ensure that this anarcho-capitalist proposal does not extend to the colonization of thought because if that happens it will be too late to repair all this planned damage.

We have to do it by building the bridge that connects us with the defense of national interests: a unity as an instrument to achieve the construction of a great Nation.

We must do it before “freedom” becomes the excuse that ruins the future of the next generations and only serves to put Argentina up for sale. We are on time.

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