Banana, a source of immediate energy

Banana, a source of immediate energy
Banana, a source of immediate energy

It is known for its high carbohydrate content and its energy contribution, and it is true, since within the group of fruits it is one of the richest in calories and in the aforementioned nutrient. However, this does not make it incompatible with a weight control diet, since it stands out as a fruit but not as a food in general, and therefore is healthy. In fact, the high carbohydrate content provides immediate energy and makes it a very effective resource common among athletes.

At the digestive level, it is an excellent option, since its fiber helps maintain regular intestinal transit, it is also easy to digest and prevents gas. Likewise, it also promotes diuresis due to its water and potassium content.

Potassium, an important mineral for muscle and nervous functioning and blood pressure, stands out especially as a nutrient. In the case of vitamins, vitamin C predominates, an excellent antioxidant, and B6, which is involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins and is part of the immune system.

The phytonutrients present in bananas, such as flavonoids and carotenoids, have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can contribute to the prevention of chronic diseases.

Although the banana is an excellent food to consume alone, at any time and place due to its ease of transport and consumption, we can include it in a lot of recipes and at any time of the day, for example, on toast for breakfast, or combined with nut cream and dark chocolate. We can also include it in a salad, as a garnish for meat or fish or as a sweet touch on a sandwich. As an ingredient in other recipes, we can use it in cake batters, cookies, smoothies or sauces to provide sweetness without having to use sugar.

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