87% of average employees are not happy: Eduardo Massé at SLP – El Sol de San Luis

87% of average employees are not happy: Eduardo Massé at SLP – El Sol de San Luis
87% of average employees are not happy: Eduardo Massé at SLP – El Sol de San Luis

In a world where organizations fight forr efficiency, productivity and growthwe often forget that behind the numbers and strategies are human beings with stories, dreams and challenges.

Eduardo Massé, consultant, author and international speaker, reminds us of this fundamental truth in his passionate speech entitled “Humans are the ones who matter most”presented in the International Congress of Human Talentorganized by the Association of Human Talent Management Executives of San Luis Potosí AC (ADERIAC).

The Paradox of Work Happiness

Massé immersed himself in deep reflection on human talent and its management. Although companies seek to create spaces that promote happiness, The reality is that many employees do not feel fully satisfied.

He explained that in Mexico, 87 percent of average employees are unhappy, 69 percent suffer from work stress and 77 percent blame companies for their dissatisfaction. Where does the problem lie?

Massé argued that we must look beyond job tasks and functions. He explained that human talent is not just a piece in the business machine; They are individuals with experiences, origins, and sometimes chronic or terminal illnesses.

In this sense, during his career, Massé has witnessed the death of valuable collaborators, which led him to specialize in human behavior and question how organizations can improve.

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The 8 Critical Guidelines

Massé identified eight guidelines that affect human quality in organizations:

They consist of Collective Illusions, that is, forcing decisions without considering the impact on people, such as Willpower, which has to do with false loyalty to the company. Choice, which is the excess of options that can overwhelm a worker. Multitasking, linked to the saturation of tasks that exhausts employees. Excess Physical Capacity, linked to hyper stress that affects health.

Longevity, which deals with the erroneous view of giving the best years of life to work and the trauma linked to isolation derived from personal experiences.

The Challenges in Mexico

In the Mexican context, Massé pointed out three challenges, within business organizations and their disconnection from the human behavior and his talent, the first of which has to do with medical attention, since the Lack of it hinders decent working conditions for collaborators; Labor Development, since in Mexico they only seek to avoid rotation and not promote the growth of their workers and finally the strengthening of Human Resources and Budget since the lack of investment in human capital is notorious.

The Tangible Solution

Finally, Massé proposed redefining the role of companies in society. They must not only generate profits, but also positively influence people’s lives..

“Organizations should be spaces where employees grow as human beings, where they find support and structure for their personal development. If we achieve this, we will be one step closer to a world where humans are truly the most important thing.”

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