The Buenos Aires archbishop “hit” Milei: “Take the paralysis of the people seriously”

The Buenos Aires archbishop “hit” Milei: “Take the paralysis of the people seriously”
The Buenos Aires archbishop “hit” Milei: “Take the paralysis of the people seriously”

It finally arrived on May 25 and President Javier Milei found himself unable to sign his much-mentioned pact on National Day in Córdoba, as the discussion on the Base Law and the fiscal package was postponed in Congress, initiatives that have not yet received a commission opinion in the chamber. of Senators.

In the preview of his speech that will be in the City of Córdoba, and still on Buenos Aires soil, Archbishop Jorge García Cuerva, demanded that the president at the Tedeum on May 25 “take seriously the paralysis of the people” and not postpone them ” in the name of a promising future.”

The message that I will share wants to be a contribution in the light of the word of God for the reflection of all the actors of Argentine society, convinced that together we build the Homeland, beyond knowing that, later, some phrases can be taken isolated to want to feed the fragmentation“said the cardinal primate of Argentina at the beginning of the ecclesiastical ceremony in the Metropolitan Cathedral.

The Government was left without the May Pact and Karina Milei is looking for a replacement for Posse

The date seemed distant on the calendar when Milei, on March 1, during the opening of ordinary sessions in Parliament, proposed to the provincial leaders and the head of the Buenos Aires Government to sign an agreement on State policies that he considers determinants to get out of the crisis and begin to light a path of prosperity for the country.

However, the weeks passed and as the debate in the Upper House got bogged down over both proposals previously approved in the Deputies, the Government had to reject the possibility of convening the May Pact in “La Docta”, which meant a misstep for the libertarian administrationbeyond the fact that Milei still decided to travel to Córdoba to host an event in a district that was dyed purple in last year’s presidential runoff.

Eighty-five days have passed since the President’s announcement in Congress, but that period It was not enough for the ruling party to achieve the sanction of two cardinal projects for the Casa Rosada. In this context, with National Day just around the corner, the Government made it clear that it had suffered an impact after having stumbled in its mission.

The versions of Posse’s departure are growing: “A more vocal Chief of Staff is needed”

In a journalistic interview, Milei recognized that any of the members of his Cabinet can roll down the stairs if the objectives set are not metin the midst of strong versions, arising even from the Casa Rosada itself, which indicate that The coordinating minister, Nicolás Posse, would have his hours counted at Balcarce 50.

The Government considered it essential to arrive in Córdoba this May 25 with the Omnibus Law and the fiscal project approved in Congress to sign its strategic pact with provincial leaders and the Buenos Aires mayor, Jorge Macri. Therefore, It is expected that there will be consequences in the libertarian administration for not having achieved this “milestone”as the head of state proposed, using precisely such a concept.

Posse had recently joined the negotiations with sectors of the dialogue opposition to try to push together with the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, and the presidential advisor Santiago Caputo the two initiatives of the ruling party in Congress. What was the result so far?: approval in Deputies and awaiting a postponed committee opinion in the Senate. Definitely, With just over two weeks left until Milei completes his first semester as President, the Government has not yet managed to pass a single law.

“If you don’t reach the goal, you leave the chair”

Logically, this data is not minor for the libertarian management, which aims to demonstrate that a change of era is indeed underway in Argentina, thus seeking attract investments from abroad. Even the International Monetary Fund (IMF) highlighted the relevance of the Base Law bis, considering that “has important tax implications” for the country.

Milei is a President with a business mentality, he does not have the mentality of a political leader. And in the business world, if you don’t reach the goal you set for yourself, you leave the chair you were occupying,” he told Argentine News a legislative source from La Libertad Avanza (LLA) about the possibility of Posse leaving office. “Sometimes political dialogue is difficult with someone who acts that way.but that’s how things are,” he added.

The same source, with an office in Parliament, trusted that the two projects being discussed these days in the Senate get a commission opinion next week, after new deliberations scheduled for next Tuesday and Wednesday. It is also expected that introduce modifications in the texts, in articles referring to the Income Tax, money laundering, the Large Investment Incentive Regime (RIGI), labor reform and benefits for the considered “cold areas” of the country, in other aspects. Therefore, both proposals should return to Deputies, to be approved there – eventually – definitively.

Kicillof responded to Milei and said that in the national government “they are a bunch of useless people”

“Yes or yes, next week the commission’s opinion will come out. Some may be firm in dissent and there could even be a minority opinion, although I find it difficult.“said the LLA source consulted by this agency. “The law has to come out by consensus, the ‘poroteo’ went to the background, the hands today are (for it to be approved),” he added. “Even speaking with senators from Unión por la Patria, some tell me that they agree, but hey, We already know that all of them are going to vote against, because they are serial deniers“he remarked.

“There are going to be changes,” he anticipated, and added: “I see the fiscal package as more complicated”. After the “half-sanction” of both projects in Deputies, at the end of last month, some in the ruling party speculated with the possibility of promoting an “express procedure” in the Senate. Why did the debate become so elastic there? “The delay that occurred is normal“said the same source, who added that it was sought in this way “analyze everything that was discussed in the commissions and what the specialists explained”.

In the same sense, he expressed that “it seemed absurd to rush to issue a ruling.” During the period of discussion of the two libertarian proposals in the upper house, including the figure of the head of that body, Victoria Villarruel, was acquiring greater prominence, after its initial low profile. Initially, it was officials from the Casa Rosada who led the negotiations, with the LLA senators removed from the center of the scene. “What happens is that perhaps they do not have the political density that is needed to participate in that type of effort. and his interlocutors then prefer to sit down and chat with other leaders of the ruling party,” he said in this regard to NA another libertarian source with an office at Balcarce 50.

In relation to Villarruel’s role, in the ranks of LLA in the upper house they understand that for her, since “she is not a senator”, “Going out to seek consensus distorted their role”. “If you put yourself in charge of the ‘rosca’ and start negotiating, Why should she assume obligations when those efforts correspond to Executive officials?“added the libertarian source familiar with the parliamentary nooks and crannies. “She did well to get out of that place; Let others come to explain the laws,” she stressed.

“The nonsense that they send us from the Casa Rosada”

Victoria is a coherent and conciliatory person.always tries to lower a change in the face of the nonsense that sometimes they send us from the Casa Rosada,” said the same LLA source. “What is needed to approve these laws is precisely coherence and common sense. Carry more than five months the Government without a single law -sanctioned- so far and Milei comes paddling in dulce de leche. If you cannot pass a law, just one, at this time what political security are you going to give to the outside, “with the premise of” attracting investments from abroad, “she said.

“The Government has, from the Executive, a communication problem; it has good intentions, yes, but he doesn’t know how to explain them well“, he maintained. The source consulted by NA expressed himself in these terms just hours after the eccentric event that Milei led days ago at the Luna Park stadium in Buenos Aires, where he presented his new book, “Capitalism, socialism and the neoclassical trap“, even amid accusations – again – of alleged plagiarism.

In that mythical Buenos Aires setting Another Milei was seen again in “election campaign” mode that in his -current- role as head of state, in the same week in which he strained to the extreme his personal and ideological dispute with the president of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sanchezwhich unleashed a diplomatic conflict of proportions between both nations. Clearly, in the Corrientes and Bouchard precinct the President He showed himself once again as an innovative character when it came to communicating, although preaching to the chorus of libertarian militants who attended to cheer him on and not much further.

Lopérfido defended Milei in the midst of the conflict with Spain: “Sánchez victimized himself too much”

His one-man “panic show” last Wednesday, without Posse there among those present, it occurred in a context in which without a doubt thousands of Argentines have nothing to celebrate, in the midst of the adjustment policies promoted by the Government. However, the criticism that Milei received from the opposition ended up quickly being blurred by a photograph that the Buenos Aires governor, Axel Kicillof, one of the main detractors today of the libertarian administration, was taken – and disclosed – together with the recently prosecuted for sexual abuse Fernando Espinozamayor of La Matanza.

Incidentally, the head of state was accompanied by a series of PRO leaders at Luna Park, such as Cristian Ritondo, Diego Santilli and Alejandro Finocchiaro, whose name circulated in the last few hours as a possible “reinforcement” for the Government in the area of ​​Education in the Ministry of Human Capital. “El Colo”, for its part, “sounds” like eventual replacement for Posse in the Chief of Staff of the Nationlike Patricia Bullrich even holder of the Security portfolio, and who Eduardo “Lule” Menemclosely related to “The Boss” Karina Milei, general secretary of the Presidency and in charge, apparently, of the “casting” process. In the corridors of the Government House it is said that the spokesperson Manuel Adorni and the deputy José Luis Espert They appear in the folder.

“The Government lacks management, it is a Government that does not work beyond the mistakes it makes. I do not believe that Posse is the only problem of this Government“, said to Argentine News a PRO legislator. “It is a Government that has no interlocutors and They contradict Francos, poor guy“, he added. “No matter how much they cut Posse, the Government will continue not to function. Besides, names don’t last long in this Government,” he said.

“And these things happen to a Government without interlocutors. When they came with the Base Law and the fiscal package to the Chamber of Deputies They told us not to touch a comma and then they went to the Senate and opened Santa’s bag“, he expressed. “Now they are trapped because every day they have to deal with a new demand”, he added. “Now the senators, outside of the ruling party, what they are proposing is, ‘Why am I going to support for free if you give others something?‘”, completed the PRO source consulted by this agency, in reference to the parliamentary debate of recent days in the Upper House.

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