A young Peruvian woman who lives in Argentina was shocked by the change in climate and it went viral

Argentina is being hit by very cold weather ahead of what will be the fall season and more and more people are facing flu and colds. In TikToka young Peruvian woman who lives in the country expressed her bewilderment at the sudden changes in temperature and the icy wind.

Under the user @mapiiiiiiiiii on the TikTok platform, the woman went viral by saying: “The cold it is in Buenos Aires. I already caught a cold. Yesterday I went out with two jackets and I still got a cold”. To contextualize his opinion, He explained that in winter the temperature in Peru is, at most, 16 degrees.


But here, it reaches a degree and the truth is I’m not used to it“, she said surprised, and added: “It’s not a complaint, it’s not a criticism, please, it’s just something different.”.

Concerned, the young woman expressed her bewilderment at the Argentines who say that this climate “it’s no big deal”: “I mean, You don’t get used to it either, don’t lie to me. I need to stay in my house to feel better with the heat on. “We are in autumn, we are not even in winter”.

A young Peruvian woman living in Argentina was shocked by the change in climate and it went viral. Video: TikTok

There were many Argentines who were present in the post and gave their point of view: “This is just beginning”, “and when in winter it is zero degrees or minus five, I won’t even tell you”, “it could be worse, the truth is”, “Get ready for what awaits you, sister.”

She went to eat with her boyfriend but ended up outraged by the girl’s attitude towards him

A young woman went out to eat with her boyfriend as a romantic date, but the evening did not end as expected. According to what she said through TikTok, where she went viral, What ruined the outing was the attitude that the girl had with her partner.

Aixa Marie recounted the entire situation in a funny video in which she revealed: “The girl who served me and my boyfriend shamelessly threw him off in front of me. This was a couple of days ago when we went very excited to a place to eat pasta.”

“The restaurant was near my boyfriend’s house. When we arrived we were greeted by a girl who must have been in her twenties, very pretty indeed. The girl told us that she would bring us the letter there but in the end she brought only one and I gave it to my boyfriend. When he gives it to her, he gives her a little smile. “My boyfriend looked at me strangely, like he realized it,” said the young woman.

She went to eat with her boyfriend but ended up outraged by the girl's attitude towards him. Photo: Instagram

She went to eat with her boyfriend but ended up outraged by the girl’s attitude towards him. Photo: InstagramBy: Agustina Carballal

And he continued: “When she came to take our order, the girl wasn’t looking at me. She pointed out my boyfriend all the time and he looked down at her as if uncomfortable. I said ‘love, did you notice?’ And he said yes.”

As if that were not enough, Aixa explained that the girl gave her a single package of grated cheese while she gave him two. Plus, she only served the drink to her boyfriend. That was the last straw. “There I did what any toxic person would do: I went over the plates, grabbed my boyfriend and fucked him.”.

“Until I gave her a kiss, she didn’t calm down. Obviously I didn’t leave her a tip because the service was terrible and she was misguided. “She made me very embarrassed,” she said with fury.

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