Quibdó: Carrasquilla stomped in the admission test for the U Scholarship Seedbed

By Color of Colombia. Taken from https://blogs.elespectador.com/actualidad/republica-de-colores/quibdo-el-carrasquilla-piso-fuerte-en-proba-de-admision-a-semillero-de-becarios-u/

128 of the best 10th grade students from 17 schools took a 25-question exam from the international PISA test to aspire to 18 places in the national program of the Color Foundation of Colombia, which has local support from the Secretariat of Education of Quibdó . 37 went to interview, conducted by…

128 of the best 10th grade students from 17 schools took a 25-question exam from the international PISA test to aspire to 18 places in the national program of the Color Foundation of Colombia, which has local support from the Secretariat of Education of Quibdó .

37 went on to interview, carried out by 11th grade students from the U Scholarship Seedbed. The standardized test represented 250,000 points and the interview, 50,000. The first eight selected (out of 18) study at Carrasquilla. 19 remained in the trial period to aspire to eight places. IEFEM did not participate in the test because it already has 10 students in the 2025 cohort of the program.

They arrived on time on Saturday, May 25, at the IEFEM Hall of Mirrors. They had had the induction the previous Thursday as attendees of the Karl Popper Debate Model on the Malecón de Quibdó, grade 10, and the Symposium with Icetex, Colfuturo and Lumni on the Quibdó Educational Fund to support the maintenance of Quibdó high school graduates in accredited universities.

Each school could send the three best students from each tenth grade course to the test, according to the Call Circular from the Municipal Education Secretariat.

The call was attended by educational institutions: Santo Domingo Savio, Gimnasio de Quibdó, Agropecuaria Cristo Rey de Tutunendo, Isaac Rodríguez, Comfachocó, Antonio María Claret, Antonio Ricaurte, Normal Manuel Cañizales, Normal Superior de Quibdó, Carrasquilla, MIA Rogerio Velásquez, Miguel A. Caicedo, Agustín Santacoloma Villa , Pacific Educational Center CEPA, Pedro Grau y Arola, Manuel Saturio Valencia and MIA Jorge Valencia Lozano.

One student per institution presented a greeting on behalf of their classmates; The attending members of grades 10 and 11 from the Quibdó U Scholarship Seedbed presented themselves; A freehand survey was conducted on academic performance in ninth grade and the first period of tenth grade, and age; It was reported that those not selected will also be enrolled in the virtual National Score Pre-Icfes, and they had a break before taking the online test, which lasted 45 minutes.

The 18 selected

Six educational institutions won the 18 direct places: Carrasquilla (eleven), Cañizales (3), Comfachocó (1), Quibdó Gym (1), Saint Dominic Savio (1) and MÍA Valencia Lozano (1).

Final positions of the candidates: 1) Carlos Santiago Córdoba Hinestroza; 2) Henry David Palacios Córdoba; 3) Kleider Yoel Valoyes Córdoba; 4) Eider Daniel Carabalí Ocoró; 5) Nahomy Julieth Chaverra Valencia; 6) Sirih Yoeli Arboleda Cuesta; 7) Julian Smith Chaverra Rodríguez, and 8) Kiara Nicollette Ríos Bechara, from the IE Carrasquilla Industrial.

9) Gloria Kenny Palacios Palacios (Quibdó Gymnasium); 10) Dianne Daniela Mosquera Ruiz (IE Cañizales); eleven) Arhianna Lorena Garcés Valencia (IE Carrasquilla); 12) Nelssy Nathaly Velásquez Palacios (IE Cañizales); 13) Yithzel Dahiana Rentería Banguera (IE Cañizales).

14) Juan David Correa Maturana (IE Santo Domingo Savio); fifteen) Cristian Mathews Palacios Cossio (IE Carrasquilla); 16) Shirley Johana Córdoba Palacios (MIA Jorge Valencia Lozano); 17) Sharom Ariadna Zuleyka Palacios Mosquera (IE Carrasquilla); and 18) Aleisy Leonor Torres Ramos (IE Comfachocó).

The 19 in probationary period

Students from 10 schools will opt for eight additional places in the first week of August:

19) Laury Stefanny Córdoba Arias (IE Cañizales); twenty) David Francisco Bolívar Palacios (IE Santo Domingo Savio); twenty-one) María José Lozano Complained (IE Cañizales); 22) Derly Natalia Gallego Camacho (IE Comfachocó); 23) Mariana Ibarguen Orejuela (IE Comfachocó); 24) Lilibeth Lorena Robledo Palacios (IE SantoColoma); 25) Sheril Alexa Rentería Palomeque (IE Normal Superior of Quibdó); 26) Nicolás Junior Rentería Blandón (IE Antonio M. Claret).

27) Keissy Mariana Palacios Mosquera (IE Comfachocó); 28) Darlan Santiago Rubio Molina (IE Antonio M. Claret); 29) Heiler Stiwar Rivas Arboleda (IE Antonio Ricaurte); 30) Lucero del Mar Lozano Suárez (IE Carrasquilla); 31) Jhulia Andrea Córdoba Murillo (IE Santo Domingo Savio); 32) Karol Yanaiza Chaverra Arce (Quibdó Higher Normal School); 33) Yeiler Steven Caicedo Velásquez (IE Quibdó Gymnasium); 3. 4) Alejandro Arce Palacios (Quibdó Higher Normal School); 35) Yussy Bejarano Palacios (IE Isaac Rodríguez); 36) Alisnerey Ramirez Hoyos (CEPA); and 37) Emily Dayana Arboleda Palacios (IE Antonio Ricaurte).

Group that entered the trial period. During June and July, the 19 applicants must demonstrate consistency and compliance with the duties of comprehensive complementary training.

The interviewers

Among the student interviewers (grade 11) were: José Luis Córdoba Hinojosa (IE Normal Superior of Quibdó), Ronald Darío Ramírez Mosquera (IE Adventist of Quibdó Bolívar Escandón), Daily Dayana Zapata Mena (IEFEM), Valerie Santos Valencia (IE Christ the King of Tutunendo), Yirleny Mosquera Palacios (IE MIA Jorge Valencia Lozano),

Likewise, Anny Yuliza Muñoz (IE Carrasquilla Industrial), Eileen Johana Murillo Morales (IEFEM), Jhodyer Andrés Ibargüen Ochoa (IE Carrasquilla Industrial), María José Gómez Jiménez (IEFEM), Juan Carlos Pinilla Hinestroza (IE Normal Superior of Quibdó), Yaidith Natalia Palacios Mosquera (grade 10, IEFEM). They did not interview schoolmates to avoid bias.

Moment in which the interviewers report the score given to each aspiring student and the final list is consolidated by adding the result of the standardized test. Photo: Santiago Gallego Echavarría.

The former members of the 2025 cohort of the Quibdó U Scholarship Seedbed

From eight educational institutions there are 23 grade 10 students with more than 18 months of process in the Semillero: IEFEM (10), Antonio M. Claret (4), Comfachocó (2), Pedro Grau y Arola (2), Carrasquilla Industrial (1), Armando Luna Roa (1), Gimnasio de Quibdó (1), Cañizales (1) and Normal Superior de Quibdó (1).

Of IEFEM: Eilyn Sofia Mosquera Hinestroza, Emily Gamboa Maturana, Karolyn Tatiana Osorio Pérez, Keybi Zamara Mosquera Escobar, Laura Valentina Palacios Arboleda, Leyla Isabel Orejuela Rivas, Luisa Sofia Mena Buriticá, Rosi Alexandra Bejarano Garcés, Taira Sofía Guisado Mosquera and Yaidith Natalia Palacios Mosquera.

Of IE Antonio María Claret: Juan Camilo Valencia Hurtado, Emily Valeria Bejarano Mena, Juan Camilo Restrepo Malfitano and Miguel Ángel Flórez Marín. Of Comfachocó: María Camila Díaz Pinzón and Santiago Gallego Echavarría. Of IE Pedro Grau and Arola: Dayra Lorena Mena Chala and Keidy Dayana Mena Romaña.

Of the Carrasquilla: Jeidy Daniela Castro Asprilla; from IE Armando Luna Roa: Deison Smith Ramírez Córdoba; of Quibdó Gym: Sharit Andrea Arboleda Salazar; of the EI Quibdó Higher Normal: Jhony Erick Rentería Chaverra; and from I.E. Normal Canizales: Karen Yurleisy Murillo Cáceres.

Eight of the ancients. Participants in the first Quibdó Karl Popper Debate Model, which addressed the main explanation for the state of the Quibdó Malecón, before a national and local jury.

The tasks of those admitted and those on probation

Once they finish the academic period, they will have the following duties in “Productive Vacations” to do a basic leveling with the former:

  • In Family: answer “20 family history questions” and prepare a new dessert with a recipe.
  • In Mind: read the books “The devil of numbers”by Hans Magnus Enzensberger, and “Rebelion on the farm”by George Orwell, which strengthen general competencies for two subtests of Saber 11, and create a personal account on Lichess.org
  • In Health (self-care): make an appointment with dentistry, optometry and nutritionist at EPS, and go jogging 10 times in a park or on the block.
  • In Economic-financial mentality: take the “Financial Education Test” and download and familiarize yourself with the Trii app (to buy company shares with small amounts of money).
  • In Culture: watch five recommended movies and choose 20 songs by Joe Arroyo or Alejo Durán.
  • In Know 11: take at least 50% of the live classes of the National Score virtual Pre-Icfes.

Those admitted will be able to apply for scheduled trips to Bogotá (July) and Medellín (October) to visit high-quality universities, as was done in 2023.

The educational project of Semilleros de Becarios U

The program of U Scholarship Seedbedsfrom the Fundación Color de Colombia, present in 30 municipalities in 11 departments, seeks, through a three-year process with students entering eighth grade, to develop a growth mentality, values ​​of excellence and a vocation for service, character skills ( and socio-emotional), executive abilities and cognitive competencies for a university life project and social mobility that requires high results in standardized tests (starting with Saber 11, 365+ or passing the admission test of some public universities).

The program uses the strategy of early “meaningful learning experiences”, which strengthen personality, with training in cognitive and non-cognitive skills, seeking that after a long three-year process when they reach university they stand out naturally.

*Missionary tracer of this publication Color of Colombia Foundation: Strategic line 2: Quality and equity education. Program: U Scholarship Seedbeds, 2022-2026.

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