Ministry of Defense will evaluate extraditions and their impact on the peace processes in Colombia

Ministry of Defense will evaluate extraditions and their impact on the peace processes in Colombia
Ministry of Defense will evaluate extraditions and their impact on the peace processes in Colombia

The Minister of Defense of Colombia, Iván Velásquez, indicated that, if extradition interferes with the peace process, it could be denied – credit Mauricio Dueñas Castañeda/EFE

The Minister of Defense, Iván Velázquez, spoke of the need to evaluate requests for the extradition of ringleaders to the United States, indicating that these will not be accepted if they interfere with the peace processes in the country. Velázquez emphasized that it is vital to examine each request because they could delay ongoing peace processes, which have the potential for success in the future.

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“We must examine in each situation what the nature of the dissident organization is, what activity it has been developing in rapprochements and sincere dialogues for peace. That, in any case, ultimately an extradition decision is made by the President of the Republic prior to the favorable opinion of the Supreme Court of Justice,” said the head of the portfolio.

Velázquez highlighted that an extradition decision is the responsibility of the President of the Republic, who must previously have a favorable opinion from the Supreme Court of Justice. “What could not be accepted is that the extraditions served to torpedo a peace process if that peace process already has considerations about its possibilities of success,” added the minister.

The Military Forces are on alert due to the increase in car bomb threats in different parts of the country – credit Colprensa

In a security context, the Minister of Defense also reported on an urgent alert throughout the national territory for possible car bomb attacks or attacks in conflict zones, mainly in the department of Cauca. The alert is not only concentrated in this region, but also in the center and north of the country, promoted by the Central General Staff of the FARC dissidents, according to Velázquez.

The minister specified that the Public Force is on permanent alert due to the information collected about a fraction of the central general staff that operates in the southwest of the country. “In this there is an alert, naturally, in the Public Force and it is an alert that has to occur throughout the country,” he stated.

At the same time, an intelligence report from the Army and the National Police, known as RCN Radio, announced the increase in security measures in several cities due to possible terrorist attacks against police stations using car bombs. “These commands are allowed to be informed by intelligence information from the National Police Directorate, which indicates the possible terrorist action, modality (car bomb), national level by vehicle equipped with explosives,” indicates one of the sections of the intelligence document.

In fact, authorities increased security measures in several cities, including Bogotá, Tunja, Ibagué, Armenia, Neiva and Chaparral, after receiving information from that intelligence report.

The minister indicated that in view of the various explosive devices detonated in various parts of the country, it was necessary to increase security. Reference image – credit National Army

The Minister of Defense, Iván Velásquez, confirmed that a national alert has been issued after a series of events related to vehicles loaded with explosives in several regions of the country. There have been heavy fighting between the Army and FARC dissidents, which has left people dead and injured, and has intensified concern about public safety.

The situation is being closely monitored by the authorities, and it is expected that all necessary measures will be taken to prevent any attempted attack and protect the civilian population.

The document also urges military and police units to increase their information-seeking efforts to prevent and neutralize criminal activities, thus protecting the civilian population. “Troops under your command must be alerted. “Military units and support Police units in increasing the effort to search for information to prevent, detect, neutralize criminal activities and allow criminal actions to be anticipated for civil protection,” the report highlights.

With the security situation deteriorating, Velázquez called on the Public Force and citizens to remain vigilant and collaborate with the authorities.

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