Hard blow to Los Shottas: alias Cacachí, one of their leaders, fell

Hard blow to Los Shottas: alias Cacachí, one of their leaders, fell
Hard blow to Los Shottas: alias Cacachí, one of their leaders, fell

The authorities reported that one of the most wanted men in Valle del Cauca was killed, he is alias Cacachi, leader of Los Shottas – credit Freepik

The authorities of Valle del Cauca confirmed the capture of one of the most wanted criminals in the department. This is alias Cacachi, one of the leaders of the Los Shottas criminal structure, which operates mainly in Buenaventura.

The governor of Valle del Cauca, Dilian Francisca Toro, celebrated the news and highlighted the inter-institutional work that has been carried out in the department to confront the crime that has plagued the territory.

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Luis Alegría Caicedo, alias Cacachi, had returned from Chile to strengthen the criminal actions of Los Shottasone of the most feared structures in Valle del Cauca, and especially in the port of Buenaventura.

According to the authorities, the accused was the financial leader of this criminal network, and was in charge of coordinating and executing different crimes such as extortion, homicides and forced displacements. His criminal history includes felony convictions dating back to 2013.

Alias ​​Cacachi, leader of Los Shottas - credit video capture National Police
Alias ​​Cacachi, leader of Los Shottas – credit video capture National Police

There was an arrest warrant against alias Cacachi for crimes such as extortion and kidnapping, according to the information revealed by the authorities.

“Caicedo was the financial leader of Los Shottas, having an arrest warrant for aggravated extortion, aggravated conspiracy to commit a crime and simple kidnapping,” highlighted Lieutenant Colonel Hernando Barajas, commander of the Buenaventura Special District.

The authorities of Valle del Cauca captured one of the most wanted criminals in the region – credit National Police

Dilian Francisca Toro highlighted the coordinated work between different institutions to deal this hard blow to Los Shottas.

“A leader of Los Shottas was captured, who were dedicated to extortion, which is one of the things that most affects the people of Buenos Aires,” said the departmental leader.

He added that this structure carries out this type of crimes, above all, against small merchants and citizens in general, which has caused fear in the communities of Buenaventura.

According to Toro, this structure is dedicated “especially micro extortion, extortion of small businesses And that affects, of course, not only the economy of the merchants and the people who are generating income for their families, but there was also a lot of unrest in the community.”

The governor assured that this is a very important capture, and a strong blow against Los Shottas, which was achieved thanks to the articulated work of institutions such as the National Police and the Colombian Navy.

Publication by the governor of Valle del Cauca, Dilian Francisca Toro - credit social networks
Publication by the governor of Valle del Cauca, Dilian Francisca Toro – credit social networks

“It was a very important capture by the Police and the Navy and all that inter-institutional coordination that has been generated,” said the governor of Valle del Cauca.

The Shottas are one of the criminal structures that have taken over, under threats and violent acts, the streets of Buenaventura. Although this network, as well as Los Espartanos, with whom they dispute the territory, are currently at a dialogue table, the actions against criminals who have not stopped their criminal actions continue.

Although the path of this attempt to achieve peace in Buenaventura has been affected on some occasions, in March of this year The Shottas highlighted their intention to continue with the dialogues.

“We reject and deny the false accusations of the group Los Espartanos, since our Shottas organization does not have any type of alliances with groups outside Buenaventura and much less with the Prosecutor’s Office and Police. We understand the desperation of wanting to discredit the good name of our organization,” they highlighted in a statement at the time.

The above, after the accusation made by Los Espartanos, the other criminal group with a presence in Buenaventura.

“We want to set our precedent and that over time our actions do not become surprising, informing that We unilaterally decided not to continue participating in the peace talks in Buenaventura.clarifying that it is not an arbitrary decision, but the consequence of all the time that has been lost in the dialogues and the lack of commitment of the Shottas group at the tables,” they said.

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