Ariel Camaño returns to the rock scene of Santiago del Estero – Sur Santiagueño

Ariel Camaño returns to the rock scene of Santiago del Estero – Sur Santiagueño
Ariel Camaño returns to the rock scene of Santiago del Estero – Sur Santiagueño

The artist from Quimilí, Ariel Camaño, performed this Saturday, June 1 at 11 pm in a craft brewery located at 480 Pellegrini Street in the capital of Santiago del Estero. On this occasion, Camaño reviewed part of his repertoire, including compositions from the albums “Atrapasueños”, “Pies descalzos” and “Luna”, his latest work released in 2023.

It was a show with limited capacity and featured the participation of the guest band Mala Influencia, which added a share of rock to the Santiago night.

“I’m going to start playing more often in Santiago,” commented the Quimilense artist, “the songs recorded on ‘Atrapasueños’, ‘Pies descalzos’ and the new album ‘Luna’ can be heard on all digital platforms.” Among the featured songs are “Always Así”, recorded with Alejandro Véliz; the farm “La Tintorera”, together with Cuti and Roberto Carabajal; “Blue Eyes” with José Luis Salinas from the group Ternura; and the zamba “Confesiones de un adiós”, which features the voice of Franco Ramírez as a guest.

“For me it was an honor to record with these great artists from the popular songbook of our country,” said Camaño. “The purpose for this Saturday is that people can come to the show and share with me this new artistic stage that I am experiencing, because we are going to continue doing more concerts in Santiago.”

Ariel Camaño performed with his band composed of Mariano “el Mono” Díaz on guitar, Marcelo Gómez on bass and Wally Morales on percussion.

Some of the songs recorded by Ariel Camaño with great artists are available on YouTube:

  • “Always like this” with Alejandro Véliz
  • “La Tintorera” with Cuti and Roberto Carabajal
  • “Blue eyes” with José Luis Salinas
  • “Confessions of a goodbye” with Franco Ramírez

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