Public bicycle rental in Cuba with QR payments. That’s how it works

The novelty of renting public bicycles in Cuba through QR payments is already a reality in some locations on the island, with neighborhoods in Havana being the most favored, due to this alternative to the shortage of Transportation.

According to capital media, this Friday another station of the public bike system (Ha Bici-Inteliforja) was opened, located on Calle 25 corner 204, in the Granma Community, of the La Coronela Popular Council, of the capital municipality of La Lisa. They explained that equipment can be rented there, in addition to hiring a package delivery service and they even function as a workshop to repair bikes for private individuals.

The board member, Milay Gallardo Díaz, vice president of the Assembly in La Lisa, clarified that not only residents in the municipality can access this income, but it is extended to other areas and assured that bicycle rental, with payment by QR, It is the most requested service at the station.

In addition, night sales modalities are offered and as a “new” feature they include a “portfolio of opportunities” in a shipping and parcel service. What are the QR payments for renting these bicycles?

Public bike rental in Cuba: discounts and QR payments

The rental of these public bicycles in Cuba, especially in Havana, through QR payments, also has discounts, depending on who accesses the service. For example, university students have a 20% discount, while for adults over 65 years of age and people with disabilities, it is between 10 and 20%.

In addition to payment by QR, there is the option in cash and the novelty of “mobile advertising”, whose service with a prior contract, “would make it easier to advertise any type of business, through the use of the bicycle.”

From the ruling party, they did not clarify in this note what the rental price was, nor did they specify the hours of rent, or information of this type that is more than relevant. They only remembered that since January of last year, this alternative has existed in the city.

However, in January 2023, these prices were announced, which we now share.

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