Discover the phantom impact of biotech in the Tarapacá region

Discover the phantom impact of biotech in the Tarapacá region
Discover the phantom impact of biotech in the Tarapacá region

Mirko Jean Ortiz Álvarez, Biotechnology Engineer from the Arturo Prat University.-

Biotechnology (biotech) is a branch of science that combines exact sciences and technology, with biology as its base pillar to improve people’s quality of life. It uses everything from single-celled microorganisms to higher organisms including their molecular mechanisms to materialize products or services to be used for the future of society. Modern biotech is classified by color: white (industrial), gray (environmental), violet (biosecurity), blue (navy), green (agricultural), yellow (food), gold (bioinformatics), red (medical) and brown. (floor).

If we relate the absence of biotech in the Tarapacá region, there would not have been a spontaneous response strategy to the covid-19 crisis, since the role it played was very relevant. The biotechnologists (biotec spp.) were responsible for optimizing the protocols, processes and molecular techniques focused on clinical diagnosis (red biotec), at the beginning in the Wintata molecular diagnosis laboratory of the Arturo Prat University of the state of Chile (UNAP) and later in the hospital regional of Iquique advising and training laboratory personnel who did not have the skills for this clinical diagnosis, this solid example contextualizes the level of knowledge we have, the social contribution and the things we can make possible.

We all know that Tarapacá is a region in northern Chile, which has industrial and mining heritage. Mining biotechnology has a great opportunity and challenge in local mining, since it has not been possible to visualize the bioleaching potential as Codelco saw with bacteria. Thiobacillus ferrooxidans that it incorporated into its processes. It should be noted that implementing bacteria in the leaching process leads to innovation, greater development, has less influence on the environment and improves the economic environment by reducing costs. (Codelco Educa, 2018)

Tarapacá has a Pacific coast in Iquique, famous for its beaches. Blue biotechnology manages to take advantage of maritime resources such as microalgae, these organisms are cultivated to obtain food supplements, components for medical purposes and even nutraceutical products, all based on local species. An example of this was the Competitiveness Innovation Fund (FIC) project called “Production of nutraceuticals from native microalgae, an alternative to increase productive diversification in the Tarapacá region” directed by Dr. Rubén Moraga and awarded by the UNAP. (Arturo Prat University, 2018)

Our region also has part of the driest place in the world, the “Atacama Desert”, which without brown and green biotechnology would be limited. Because biotechnology is a pioneer in innovation, experimenting with new technologies for crops, such as hydroponics and aeroponics, we would also have a deficiency in the recognition and characterization of plant species that grow in extreme climates, an example is Zea white capia corn ancestral (choclo) that, by living in a hostile environment for many years, managed to adapt by behaving as an organism tolerant to boron, being an exception to the cob rule (Ortiz Á. et al, 2021).

Beyond geographical characteristics, biotechnology also participates in other areas such as health. The research and scientific information provided by red biotechnology is key, as a simple bibliographic review can help you better understand bacteria, especially those that are a public threat. This valuable contribution of information helps the government channel its strategies. on these problems and indirectly will surely end up helping the creation of future vaccines and medicines (Ortiz Á. et al, 2021).

And finally, in the academic field, biotechnology is not far behind, here where there is a constant search for knowledge and links with the community, valuing scientific method and experimentation. We can say that professional training greatly highlights the practical part, such as the creation of a prototype of the biodigester with which composting will be produced and the biogas by-product will be obtained, and the search for new medical alternatives such as ascorbate that reduces blood pressure (CORFO, 2019; Palacios et al, 2018).

In conclusion, all of these aforementioned events would not have occurred in Tarapacá without Biotechnology. Needless to say, it is a profession of utmost importance that brings together transversal scientific knowledge and can be a strategic ally in the social field, innovating and contributing to the development of the region as has been evidenced in these few examples. Biotechnology contributes to plant life by helping plants grow and improving crops in areas of extreme aridity, interacting with aquatic organisms, obtaining unconventional sources of raw materials.

It is present in the field of health, managing to complement medical information and helped to overcome the crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic by optimizing molecular techniques for clinical diagnoses, and is even a contribution to the judicial power, since some of its bases are strongly linked to genetics helping family courts with paternal recognition. Furthermore, in academic terms, students have a completely scientific training, generating highly qualified professionals for different jobs.

In short, if you know how to make bread, something so common and you can identify that yeast is the secret ingredient (biotechnological component) to create bread dough, you can consider yourself a comrade. biotec spp. In short, we must recognize that this sector represents a great opportunity, since all these small biotechnological contributions end up influencing public policies for sustainable development and our local economy in the long run, and that is why it is important that they are not phantom facts and visualize them towards the community of Tarapacá, to continue innovating and contributing through our profession to regional and national development.




Codelco Educa. (2018). Bioleaching-Mining Bacteria. Obtained from

CORFO. (2019). CORFO. Obtained from

Ortiz Á, M., Santander Pulgar, E., & Lugo Petit, J. (2021). Neisseria gonorrhoeae: a wayward pathogen. Microbiological concepts, antimicrobial resistance and its epidemiological surveillance in Chile. Chilean Journal of Infectology, RCI11. Obtained from

Ortiz Á., MJ, Delatorre-Castillo, J., Sepúlveda, I., Low, C., B. Ruiz, K., & Delatorre Herrera, J. (2021). Effects of different concentrations of boron and pH on the growth of Zea mays var. White capia, an ancient corn from Chile. Magazine of Agriculture in Arid Zones IDESIA10. doi:HTTP://DX.DOI.ORG/10.4067/S0718-34292021000200111

Palacios, J., Fonseca, J., Ayavire, F., Salas, F., Ortiz Á., M., Sandova, J., . . . Vega, J. (2018). Ascorbate attenuates oxidative stress and increased blood pressure induced by 2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)amino-1,4-naphthoquinone in rats. HINDAWI12. doi:

Arturo Prat University, D. (2018). Unap news. Obtained from

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