This is the deployment on the roads of Antioquia for the return operation

This is the deployment on the roads of Antioquia for the return operation
This is the deployment on the roads of Antioquia for the return operation

He Army guarantees safety on the roads during this current weekend. 1,080 uniformed personnel are deployed on 20 routes in the department of Antioquia. The purpose is to guarantee safety for the thousands of travelers who travel along the six roads in the region.

“This is how we have devices on the different routes of the national order and the departmental order as well, in the different subregions, north, west, east, but also in the southwest where we have jurisdiction,” indicated General Jorge Hernández Vargas, commander of the Fourth National Army Brigade.

The Army confirmed that there is special support on the Medellín – Urabá national highway, in the municipality of Buriticá, with the aim of preventing new blockades by informal miners. It should be remembered that a curfew and dry law measure is enforced there.

“We maintain a permanent device there in Buriticá, there is a deployment of more than 100 men who are permanently on that sector, the police also maintain a device,” Vargas added.

The public force will also carry out overflights to monitor the roads and guarantee travelers a safe trip to their places of origin.

In other news:

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This is the deployment on the roads of Antioquia for the return operation


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