More than a thousand young people will be able to study for free at the Institute

More than a thousand young people will be able to study for free at the Institute
More than a thousand young people will be able to study for free at the Institute

More than 1,000 young people will be able to enter with free tuition to study at the University Institution of Barranquilla (IUB), after the support of the national government through the free ‘I Can Study’ policy.

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This strategy, in coordination with the district program of ‘University to the Neighborhood’allows expanding the coverage of higher education and providing young people from Barranquilla and Atlántico with greater opportunities to professionalize.

“Today we are demonstrating that we are fulfilling and moving forward with the promise of the Government to guarantee that many more families have the opportunity for training. Today, Barranquilla sent a strong message to the country, more than a thousand students will benefit from the free policy only in this institution,” said the Minister of Education, Aurora Vergara, during the launch of the Peace, Coexistence and Human Security 2.0 Laboratory. of the National Policeat the Colsamiro headquarters of the IUB, in the capital of Atlántico.

In the middle of her speech, the senior official highlighted the growth that the IUB and the work it has been doing to expand coverage and generate training opportunities for young people and their families.

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“This shows that we can achieve this simple premise of the program, I Can Study, as long as we agree. This institution advances with more than 84% of its programs accredited and today offers a total of 35 undergraduate and graduate academic programs. Today we have granted this institution high-quality multi-campus institutional accreditation for a period of six years with two development sites, Barranquilla and Soledad. The Ministry of National Education highlights the progressive strengthening of quality in the comprehensive training of professionals and the entire educational community,” highlighted the minister.

According to figures provided, the Ministry of Education allocated – for 2024 – resources in the order of $2.2 billion to strengthen the budget bases of public higher education institutions.

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“In 22 months of Government, the coverage rate in higher education was raised from 53.83% to 55%,” noted the head of the educational portfolio.

For her part, Vice President Francia Márquez highlighted the achievement achieved by the IUB with the high-quality accreditation and the work it does for the young people of the popular neighborhoods of Barranquilla.

“We not only need to train our young people, but for them to be trained in high-quality institutions, so that is a great step. I salute all the teachers of the IUB for the effort they have made to achieve this accreditation that will contribute substantially to what we have been proposing as National government which is equity and equality in this country,” he said.

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He highlighted the importance of education to reduce social gaps in the country. “It is with education that we can transform the realities of inequity and inequality. If we can ensure that these young people can access higher education, I am sure that the living conditions of that family will be transformed. That is the challenge we have.”

Márquez pointed out that the challenge is to accompany young people until the end in this process of access to education. higher education.

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“Our young people in marginalized and excluded territories, in the villages or neighborhoods, do not even dream that a university is a space for them. Most believe that this place does not belong to them and that it is unattainable, however today we are showing that it is possible. Having a thousand young people here from popular neighborhoods of Barranquilla accessing higher education is a demonstration that it is possible,” he expressed.

And he concluded by saying that “the community and institutions must work together so that no door to a university in this country is closed to a young person. A university door that closes can condemn that vulnerable young man to perhaps end up picking up a rifle, ending up in the jail or murdered as in many of the neighborhoods and territory of our country. This is the articulation work that we must do.”

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