Not even yesterday’s grass drying in the sun: producers on alert due to market deregulation | They will march to Casa Rosada

Not even yesterday’s grass drying in the sun: producers on alert due to market deregulation | They will march to Casa Rosada
Not even yesterday’s grass drying in the sun: producers on alert due to market deregulation | They will march to Casa Rosada

Yerbate producers will mobilize from Misiones to the Casa Rosada to make visible the problems of the sector, after the Government of Javier Milei decided to give less power to the National Institute of Yerba Mate (INYM), so the price of the product was released, at the same time opened the possibility of imports of yerba from Paraguay and Brazil.

The herbal producer and tea grower from Misiones, Cristian Klingbeil, was hopeful about the mobilization that will be arriving from the northeastern Argentine province since, in his words, “Since this government took office we have not stopped receiving complaints in the sector.”

“Since the yerba mate market was deregulated, our National Yerba Mate Institute was deregistered. The last price set was 240 pesos per kilo for a green leaf, and later it rose to 370so there was hope that it would reach the values ​​that we expected – which was to exceed 450 pesos per kilo -, but The national government decided to enable imports with tax and financial benefits for those who import and that’s when everything began to collapse.“, he explained in dialogue with 750.

“Today we are at prices below 300, 260 pesos per kilo of green leaf with a payment term of up to 120 days and, in addition, with complications for the producer because the harvest wage increased,” he said.


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