Shocking video of the murder of a young woman who wanted to chase a thief and collapsed

Shocking video of the murder of a young woman who wanted to chase a thief and collapsed
Shocking video of the murder of a young woman who wanted to chase a thief and collapsed

The young woman was heading to work around 5:45 in the morning when she was intercepted by the criminal.

On May 25, in the town of Barrios Unidos, Vanessa Másmela Soto, 22, was brutally murdered by a thief who attacked her with a sharp weapon during an attempted robbery.

Security cameras in the sector captured the moment when the attacker crossed the street and headed directly towards Vanessa, trying to snatch her purse. The young woman resisted, which led to a struggle between the two. The thief, failing to achieve her goal, threw her to the ground and stabbed her several times before fleeing.

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Despite her serious injuries, Vanessa tried to chase the attacker, but collapsed halfway down the block and was left lying on the ground. Nycoleth Másmela, the victim’s cousin, told Noticias Caracol that Vanessa was just two blocks from her work when she was intercepted. “She didn’t have a backpack, but rather a small suitcase. When they couldn’t take it from her, they continued struggling and that’s when he hurt her with the knife,” he explained.

Thanks to the information collected by the authorities and the images from the security cameras, the criminal was captured one day after the attack. The community hopes that justice will be done for the death of Vanessa, a young woman with a promising future that was cut short by violence.


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