Vía Armenia – Calarcá, will be closed during the day for four days, here we tell you

Vía Armenia – Calarcá, will be closed during the day for four days, here we tell you
Vía Armenia – Calarcá, will be closed during the day for four days, here we tell you


service information, for four days in during the day it will be The main road that connects the municipalities of Armenia and Calarcá is closed in Quindío due to the double carriageway works

The Vías y Equipos del Café Consortium, the Intervial Andino Consorcio and INVIAS inform the community that it will be carried out Total closure of the road, Armenia -Calarcá on June 4, 5, 6 and 7 from 2024, from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm, for private vehicles, motorcycles, intermunicipal transportation service and pedestrians, This is due to the construction activities inherent to the construction of the dual carriageway.

The National Institute of Roads, Invías, informs that through resolution 09131 of June 1, 2024, it authorized the total closure of the Armenia – Calarcá road, in the sector between La Florida and the La María bridge (km 0+000 – km 0+440), in the department of Quindío, on June 4, 5, 6 and 7, between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

It is important to specify that The closure does not affect the ascent or descent of those traveling to Alto de La Línea. The closure of the road is due to work on the dual carriageway that includes, among others, the launching of metal beams that support deck structures from axles 1 to 7, carried out by the Vías yequipos del café́ 2022 consortium.

Two alternate routes

During the closure days, the following alternative routes are suggested as alternative routes

1. Calarcá – Chaguala variant – Armenia.

2. Calarcá – El Caimo – Armenia

The Secretary of Transit and Transportation of Armenia, Daniel Jaime Castaño andHe explained “regarding the closure that the contractor is going to carry out in the La María sector, a total closure that is contemplated from June 4 to 7, since All contingencies are in place so that vehicle traffic is through the Chagualá variant, the majority of vehicles will obviously be able to access the city of Armenia through the Centenario Avenue sector. and also remember that we have the Balboa sector as an alternative route through which vehicles may also travel to travel to the city of Calarcá or Calarcá, the city of Armenia”

And he added “we reiterate prudence, tolerance in these processes Let us remember that these are contingencies that arise within the work of the dual carriageway and that everything is done in order to improve mobility in this entire area.”

The Invías urges those who travel through this corridor to be attentive to the information it transmits through its channels. @inviasOficial and @Numeral767

The closure does not affect the ascent or descent of those who travel to Alto de La Línea

dual carriageway workers Armenia – Calarcá in Quindío

Armenia-Calarcá dual carriageway is in the process of purchasing land…

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