Ombudsman requests report from Bucaramanga mayor for expulsion of Venezuelans

Ombudsman requests report from Bucaramanga mayor for expulsion of Venezuelans
Ombudsman requests report from Bucaramanga mayor for expulsion of Venezuelans


Through a trade, the The Ombudsman’s Office asked the mayor of Bucaramanga, Jaime Andrés Beltrán, a report detailing the measures that your administration has for migrants who are in the city in condition of refuge or protectionregardless of whether they commit a crime or not.

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In that document, the organization also The president warns him that even if he wants to carry out a mass expulsion of Venezuelans who have been captured for committing crimes towards Cúcuta or La Guajira, as has been stated, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights prohibits him do it.

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“The prohibition of collective expulsions of foreigners, for the Inter-American Court of Human Rights the “collective” character of an expulsion implies a decision that does not develop an objective analysis of the individual circumstances of each foreigner, and therefore falls into arbitrariness. Therefore, to comply with the prohibition of collective expulsions, a process that may result in the expulsion or deportation of a foreigner must be individual, in order to evaluate the personal circumstances of each subject,” he warns. the Ombudsman.

This letter sent by José Alberto González, Delegate for the Rights of the Population in Human Mobility of the Ombudsman’s Office, was sent to the president of the Bumangueses after the controversy that was generated by the mayor’s intention to massively expel captured migrants to Paraguachón in La Guajira and to the border with Cúcuta to prevent their rapid return to the city.


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