“Chile Cuida”: What does President Boric’s proposal consist of?

“Chile Cuida”: What does President Boric’s proposal consist of?
“Chile Cuida”: What does President Boric’s proposal consist of?

President Gabriel Boric announced over the weekend, within the framework of its third Public Account, that The Government will launch the National Care and Support System “Chile Cuida”which will articulate and reinforce the current services of people who are dedicated to care.

“With this initiative, we tell caregivers and those who require care that they are not alone, that society as a whole, that the State is committed, recognizes and supports them“said the President in his speech.

The launch of “Chile Cuida” was highlighted this Monday by the Minister of Social Development, Javiera Torowho pointed out that although “the problem of care has been discussed for many years, It is an urgency at this time and has a projection into the future with the aging population.“.

Along these lines, he highlighted in an interview with A New Cooperative Morning the work of the Executive on this matter, pointing out that the “problematic and main needs” of caregivers are “the basis and foundations of the National Support and Care System ‘Chile Cuida’which the President announces”.

Regarding the details of this project, Toro explained that they have made progress in various points, highlighting the Caregiver Registry: “Today there are more than 100 thousand people who have a caregiver credentialand that is recognition, the first step,” he highlighted.

“Then this the articulation and strengthening of this public offer. In addition to other programs from Senama (National May Adult Service) and Senadis (National Disability Service), What the President has committed is the construction of community centers“, analyzed the Secretary of State, who reported that this week.

The objective of this measure is – he explained “have a space to share care, to receive this support and live it in a less alone way too“n”.

Support at home

The head of Social Development also highlighted the Government’s commitment “that by 2026, the 75 thousand people who are in the Social Registry of Households as people with severe dependency and their caregivers, They will receive support at their homes“.

To advance these measures, he announced that “This week we are going to present the bill that establishes the National Support and Care Systemwhich recognizes the right to care and guarantees it gradually”.

“Therefore, here the President realized that we have made progress, that there is a commitment that is very significant and historic between now and 2026, but that We are also thinking that this is a medium-long term task.“, he pointed out in Cooperative.

How to register?

Finally, Toro explained that to join as a caregiver you must enter to the Social Registry of Householdswhere there is “a module to register as a caregiver“.

“This can be accessed on the website of the Social Household Registry. Everyone can see their file, fill out data, complete data and there is a module where you can enter the information and enter the background information that proves that you are in charge of a person with moderate or severe dependence,” explained Toro, who also explained that “These backgrounds are evaluated and with this a credential is accredited and sent.“.

“If someone cannot do it through the website, It can be done in person through the municipalities“, closed the authority.

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