Registration is open for the Police School

Registration is open for the Police School
Registration is open for the Police School

The Police Institutes Directorate, dependent on the Police of the Province of Entre Ríos, informs the community that from June 1 to June 30, registration is open to enter the different careers, with a boarding regime, that they offer. Police Schools.

The Higher School of Officers “Dr. Salvador Maciá”, located in the city of Paraná, is a space where men and women are trained for three years, to achieve the title of “Public and Citizen Security Technician with a focus on Police training.” Once graduated, they continue their training to obtain the Bachelor’s degree in Public Security, awarded by the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the UADER.

The “General Francisco Ramírez” School of Non-Commissioned Officers, located in the city of Rosario del Tala, carries out the training of Women, with a one-year course, graduating with the title of Police Officer, of the Security rank.

The “Comisario General Pedro Fernando Ramón Campbell” Agent School, located in the city of Villaguay, where young men are trained for one year, graduating with the title of Police Agent in the Security ranks.

To be able to access the online pre-registration, the link will be enabled starting June 1:, you will also find it on the website:, upon entering, you will access the entry requirements, those interested will be able to complete the data and download forms, the documentation collected must be placed in an envelope, and must be delivered to any Departmental Headquarters or Training Schools.

Once registered, the applicant will be informed of the place, day and time that they must take the admission exams.

For doubts or queries, contact: Permanent Admission Section of the Police Institutes Directorate tel. 343-4206210 Internal 125 / cell phone 034-4602158.

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