Gaido advances with the collection of the land while demanding funds from the Nation

More than one 92% payment compliance has the delivery of lots with service in Neuquén, as specified by the president of the Municipal Institute of Urban Planning and Habitat (IMUH), Marco Zapata. The information emerged after a tour of the area that was the former Casimiro Gómez occupation, which is scheduled for the delivery of land in September, cWith more than 65% progress in infrastructure, as highlighted at the scene.

In district 6, the mayor advanced who will travel to Buenos Aires to claim funds for transportation (with the federation of mayors) and the management of recovery of debts for works financed by the Nation that were completed paid with own funds.

He district 6 will have -at this stage- 367 lots with sewers, water, electricity, gas and a curb by September, Zapata said. The work progress reaches 65% in total, while work is being done on the gas line and the final stage of execution of the sewage line.. Among the pending works are the foundations of what will be the infrastructure of the elevated tank for the provision of water for the sector.

«It is a good pace of work, due to the neatness with which it was worked, it seems that it is ready, but thatThey give works to finish and complete jobs,” said Zapata. With the tasks for the elevated tank, you will ensure the pressure and amount of water for the initial batches and the rest of the stageswhich reach more than 1,000 plotted lots in this area where the former Casimiro Gómez occupation was located a year ago.

Zapata explained that work is being done this week to finalize the placement of pillars and niches for the provision of electrical energy.

The families who were relocated from the settlementor original on the plateauare paying fees for their land in the so-called block 34. There 434 lots have water and electricity. «That is a municipal sector in which practically We have developed about 800 lots, “The awards remain to be made, which will be carried out when we move forward with the electrical network,” he assured.

District 6 will have completed the services for the delivery of 367 plots of land in September. The municipality will seek to coincide the end of the tasks with the city’s 120th anniversary, on September 12.

During the tour of the works, Zapata announced that heIn the next few days the launch of the final urban development project of lots in the expansion of the ejido will be announced. «We have the proposal and the development scheme. We have been working with the College of Architects and we are at preliminary bidding draft levels, to make known how work will be done and then move forward with the bidding processes,” he said.

367 land
on the new route 22 and Casimiro Gómez. Next is district 3 (224 lots delivered in April)

He added that the advance towards the new ejido is focused to interest private parties in investing through urban consortiums, a figure that It must be released by ordinance and is still in commission in the Deliberative.

The objective will be to deliver the land in September, coinciding with the city’s anniversary. The first stage will be 367 lots (photo Matias Subat)

Gaido will go to Congress to demand transportation funds

At the site of the tour, Mayor Mariano GAido announced that tomorrow he will travel to Buenos Aires to insist on the return of funds provided by the municipality. in the completion of works committed with national funds, which were not remitted.

The claim involves thes neighborhood regularizations and the end of the installation of services in district 3, located in the area of ​​the new route 22following the sector that was visited today and where 224 lots with all services were delivered last April.

With the federation of mayors of the country, the trip will involve the sit-in in the National Congress to also demand the remission of fuel funds which, as he recalled, were stopped being sent since the current national leadership assumed, despite the fact that the item for transportation in the interior continues to be charged and received by the Nation.

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