The Argentine Government congratulated Claudia Sheinbaum, elected president of Mexico

The Argentine Government congratulated Claudia Sheinbaum, elected president of Mexico
The Argentine Government congratulated Claudia Sheinbaum, elected president of Mexico

President Javier Milei and the elected president of Mexico, Claudia Scheinbaum. PHOTO: Gettyimages

He argentine government today he sent his “congratulations” to the president-elect Claudia Sheinbaum and expressed that “it renews its willingness to continue developing the bilateral work agenda.” In addition, he recognized the people of that country for the election day.

“The Government of the Republic Argentina greets the People and the Government of Mexico for the election day held this Sunday, June 2, while extending his congratulations to the President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum“, expressed the Foreign Ministry headed by Diana Mondino.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs highlighted that, “on the 135th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between both countries, the Argentine Government renews its willingness to continue developing the bilateral work agenda.”

Sheinbaum won by a wide margin and she will be the first woman in history to hold that position, after defeating the candidates Xóchitl Gálvez Ruíz and Álvarez Máynez. The successor of Andrés Manuel López Obrador achieved victory in the elections through the alliance “Let’s continue making history”, which includes Morena – the socialist-leaning National Regeneration Movement -, the Labor Party and the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico.

His rivals recognized his extensive victory and Sheinbaum gave his first speech at a press conference: “We have won the qualified majority in the chamber of deputies and senators, I want to thank the millions of Mexican men and women who decided vote for us on this historic day to advance with the fourth transformation”.

He also received greetings from several leaders of the region such as Gustavo Petro, from Colombia, and Nicolás Maduro, from Venezuela. Observers of the vote were, among others, the former Argentine president Alberto Fernández and Evo Morales, former head of state of Bolivia and with a very good relationship with López Obrador.

Claudia Sheinbaum won with the support of Andrés Manuel López Obrador

“The first data on the scrutiny of the presidential election in Mexico are now known. “I have had the privilege of being able to hug who will be the new president of this beloved country, our dear @Claudiashein”celebrated the former president in his account xwho revealed that she shared the reception of the data with AMLO’s successor: “I had the honor of being with her and her team receiving the first results.” “A progressive woman will continue in Mexico the enormous task that my dear López Obrador began”, added Fernández. “Latin America celebrates. Congratulations, dear Claudia,” he concluded. Along with her greeting, the former president published a video of the hug he gives Sheinbaum when congratulating her on her victory at the polls.

“We salute from Argentina, our country, the Mexican people for the historic democratic day in which they participated. And we congratulate the National Regeneration Movement (MORENA) for the victory obtained at the polls and whoever was its candidate, today the first President of Mexico, Dr. Claudia SheinbaumCristina Kirchner also expressed in the early hours of this Monday to greet Sheimbaum, on her X account (former Twitter).

Former Argentine president Alberto Fernández and his hug with the elected president of Mexico, Claudia Scheinbaum. (Photos: X/@alferdez)

President Javier Milei had expressed his differences with López Obrador at the end of March when he also attacked the Colombian president, Gustavo Petro. In an interview with CNN when he was asked about the conduct of the Mexican elections he maintained that he was a compliment “That an ignorant person like López Obrador speaks ill of me exalts me.””.

He bond between both leaders was always marked by the hostility: In 2023, before winning the elections, Milei had considered that the Mexican president “It’s truly pathetic, pitiful, disgusting”. The backlash was in tune: when he had to give his opinion on the first measures that the libertarian leader took as president, AMLO fired: “The new government arrives and says that the subsidies are ending, there will no longer be public investment, anyone who wants to study has have to pay, whoever gets sick has to pay… that is the neoliberal model. The State in Argentina assumes the debts of an elite of potentates. (…) Is take from those below to give to those aboveThat’s what they’re doing. It will not work”, he stated.

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