Magazine presented for the 510th anniversary of the fourth town of Cuba

Magazine presented for the 510th anniversary of the fourth town of Cuba
Magazine presented for the 510th anniversary of the fourth town of Cuba

Sponsored by the Municipal Assembly of Popular Power in Sancti Spíritus, the texts of the publication were written by journalists from the Latin Press Delegation, located in this heritage city in the center of the country founded on June 4, 1514.

It briefly summarizes the beautification activities of the ancient city, considered among the best preserved on the Island, and the projections of the economic and social sector of the territory.

Likewise, it highlights the work of presidents of Popular Councils and delegates in supporting families in vulnerable situations, as well as mothers with three or more children, in addition to highlighting the three architectural symbols or jewels of this ancient city.

They are the bridge over the Yayabo River, the only exponent of its type in the country, the Mayor Parish Church and the Principal Theater.

Luis Enrique González’s visit also responds to the 65th anniversary of the founding of the Latin American Information Agency Prensa Latina SA, born on June 16, 1959, with international scope and with an alternative vision of the reality of the region.

González pointed out that his presence here, invited to the celebrations for 510 of the former town of Espíritu Santo, coincides with the aforementioned anniversary. He recognized the trajectory of the PL delegation in Sancti Spíritus, and how in the midst of the difficulties that the country is going through it fulfills the fundamental mission of carrying the message of the Cuban Revolution abroad.

Finally, he said that this is one of the first activities in which he participates on the occasion of the creation of the Agencia Prensa Latina.

For her part, Bárbara Mínguez, president of the Municipal Assembly of People’s Power, highlighted that the magazine brings together the main socioeconomic activities of the town and illustrates the beauties of the city with images.

Moments before, also at the headquarters of the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (Uneac) in the province, the photographic exhibition Sueños Yayaberos, by journalist and photographer Raúl García (Garal), was inaugurated.

Mínguez praised the exhibition and assured that through it “they will fall more in love with this city.”


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