Sandra Pettovello teamed up with anti-rights activist Abel Albino to distribute the withheld food | The Government signed an agreement with the Conin Foundation

Sandra Pettovello teamed up with anti-rights activist Abel Albino to distribute the withheld food | The Government signed an agreement with the Conin Foundation
Sandra Pettovello teamed up with anti-rights activist Abel Albino to distribute the withheld food | The Government signed an agreement with the Conin Foundation

The Ministry of Human Capital continues to deny what was clearly proven: “There were no expired foods”stressed the Legal Undersecretary of the Ministry of Human Capital, Leila Giannidetermined to define the responsibilities of the portfolio led by Sandra Pettovello in the management and corruption scandal that is shaking the government of Javier Milei.

As if nothing had happened during these last days of complaints, inspections, dismissals of officials and court orders, the official announced that the ministry of the President’s close friend will begin to distribute part of the stock held in the Villa Martelli warehouses to the 64 distribution centers in all the country.

“On this day An agreement was signed with the Conin Foundation and in coordination with the Ministry of Defense they will be distributed” the packs in question, Gianni stated.

According to the official, the distribution will be in the hands of logistics, ingenuity and the supposed knowledge that the Argentinian army has in terms of hunger in the population. And all under the advice of the anti-rights Abel Albinopresident of the foundation in question and advisor on women’s virginity as a method to avoid abortions.

Pettovello and Albino signed an agreement this morning through which the foundation that he presides will be in charge of the distribution of part of the merchandise that is about to expire which Judge Sebastián Casanello ordered to be handed over before it rotted.

According to Gianni, the minister did not order the distribution because of the order that weighed on her and her portfolio, still shaken by layoffs and more layoffs. She arranged it as soon as she “It became known last week that there were products about to expire”.

“There was no expired food. Yes, close to winning”the official insisted and specified that the pressure weighs on “approximately 40 thousand kilos of powdered milk”, whose expiration date would be close.

What is notable is that he stated this without reference to the thousands of kilos of rice with vegetables and yerba mate that expired in February past. He also did not specify that several pallets with powdered milk begin to expire next Friday, June 7, so the speed of delivery does not guarantee that unloading and consumption will remain until after that date.

In any case, the person in charge of planning will be Abel Albinothe former partner of macrismo and obscurantist pediatrician who went to congress to recommend that women not have sexual relations so as not to abort. “Women should strive to offer men their virginity, both physical and moral.”, he said and as if that were not enough, he maintained that the condom “does not work” to prevent pregnancy or HIV. According to his logic, sperm or the virus “can pass through porcelain.”

This man who will distribute the food also made an unusual connection between hunger and sexual relations: “Child malnutrition is a cultural disease “typical of places in which the sexual act (…) is usually carried out compulsively, under the effects of an uncontrolled and irrational vehemence that seeks the mere satisfaction of an instinctive pleasure on the part of the man.”

The strategy of deviating the axis

Prior to the hearing in room II of the Federal Chamber after the appeal of the judicial precautionary measure, Pettovello’s second pointed out, without naming him, Casanello: “We are going to defend democracy because we are not going to allow prosecutors or militant judges to tell us how to design and execute a public policy.”.

“It is necessary to highlight the public food policy that this administration is carrying out. We left behind a welfare policy that not only did not solve the problem but increased it on countless occasions to go to direct assistance. Since we took office we are leaving behind intermediaries and assisting those who need it,” he said despite his time in the management of Unión por la Patria.

Along the same lines, Gianni denounced that behind the food “There is a huge negotiation between social organizations and hunger activists with the necessary participation of former officials of the previous government.of the Ministry of Social Development”.

“There are three key points: the food was acquired through spurious irregular tenders. We have done it in the acquisition of oil and grass. Point two, those bags of food were sold by the hunger militants in many fairs. Point three, they were used as a point of coercion against the most vulnerable sectors,” he added.

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