Amnesty International questions Francisco Sánchez for misinforming and issuing speeches with violence and discrimination

Amnesty International sent a letter to the Chancellery of the Nation, headed by Diana Mondino to express your concern and rejection of statements carried out by the Secretary of Worship, Francisco Sanchez. “The divorce law, equal marriage and Comprehensive Sexual Education are just some of the rights that the official attacked in the full exercise of his functions as a member of the national government,” says the international organization.

Amnesty International believes that the Foreign Ministry must instruct Francisco Sánchez to “refrain from issuing statements that lack all scientific evidence, that attack consolidated rights, misinform society, and also They are violent and discriminatory“, they explain in the statement.

“I am writing to you in my capacity as executive director of Amnesty International Argentina to express concern and rejection of our organization to different positions and public interventions that the Secretary of Worship, Mr. Francisco Sánchez, has had,” is how Mariela Belski, Executive Director of Amnesty International Argentina, begins the letter.

The international organization repairs not only in the statements made by Sánchez being in office but also before taking over as Secretary of Worship. Amnesty International summarized the statements made by Francisco Sánchez.

Statements by Francisco Sánchez that concern Amnesty, before taking office as Secretary of Worship:

Amnesty International assures that Francisco Sánchez “had statements from a evident character offensive and discriminatory towards the main religions and cults that are professed in our country.” And he characterizes them with “different degrees of antisemitism (as when he raised the existence of “international Zionism”) and Islamophobia (having spoken of “Islamic hordes”), in addition to having used insulting references towards the former archbishop of Buenos Aires and current head of State of Vatican City, Pope Francis,” explains Amnesty International in the statement.

“The absence of a full and comprehensive public retraction about these words of hate towards the three great monotheistic religions generated from the beginning serious doubts about the possibility of him exercising his position adequately and legitimately,” Amnesty International explains.

Statements by Francisco Sánchez as Secretary of Worship:

The international organization also criticized him for his recent sayings about abortion, same-sex marriage, ESI and divorce. In what was published, Amnesty International assures that Sánchez “has had statements contrary to the exercise of human rights conquered in Argentina during the last forty years of democracy.” And it lists the different moments in which the Neuquén official does so.

On the one hand, Sánchez expressed the idea that the children of divorced parents “they suffer from anxiety disorders” and have “lower performance than children from “established families.” Attack the binding divorce law passed in 1987, explains Amnesty. Secondly, he referred to the same-sex marriage law of 2010 to which called as “gay marriage”. And thirdly, misinformed about the voluntary termination of pregnancy law of 2020. He said, Amnesty wrongly explains, that “promotes abortion” and that endorses the “killing of creatures.” “Is It should be noted that none of that happens, but, on the contrary, what the legislation does is guarantee access to abortion in the health system. This has contributed to reducing maternal mortality due to abortion by 53%,” explains the international organization.

Sánchez also referred to the Comprehensive Sexual Education (ESI) as “laws to make gender ideology mandatory in schools, to pervert our children, to harm our society.” For Amnesty International is extremely serious that the secretarydon’t know andhe positive impact that its implementation has generated” because “it has been shown that boys and girls who reported abuse were able to tell about it for the first time after an ESI class.”

“For all exposed and given the characteristics of the position he occupies, it is urgent that he be instructed Sánchez to refrain from issuing statements that not only misinform society, but are also violent and discriminatory,” concludes the letter Mariela Belski, Executive Director of Amnesty International Argentina.

Letter sent by Amnesty International to the Foreign Ministry:

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