Slaughterhouse operators would have sold meat from sick animals in Bogotá and Tunja – Publimetro Colombia

Slaughterhouse operators would have sold meat from sick animals in Bogotá and Tunja – Publimetro Colombia
Slaughterhouse operators would have sold meat from sick animals in Bogotá and Tunja – Publimetro Colombia

Through a press release, the Attorney General’s Office made public opinion aware of a worrying case of food mishandling that occurred in the department of Boyacá. The prosecuting body prosecuted Deiber Daniel Casteblanco Velásquez and Daniel Casteblanco Reyes, two alleged responsible for operating a clandestine slaughterhouse of bovine and equine animals.

The clandestine establishment was located in the La Concepción village of the municipality of Cómbita, Boyacá.

“These people apparently bought dead or sick cows, calves, horses, bulls or buffaloes, They were sacrificed in the midst of terrible health conditions and They marketed the meat as if it were a product in perfect condition to owners of fames, salsa shops and restaurants in Bogotá, Tunja. and other municipalities of Boyacá,” explained the investigating entity.

Once the authorities inspected the slaughterhouse, they were able to verify that it did not have other key documents to operate, such as the environmental and health permits that are required by law.

Likewise, they indicated that they were not adequately managing the cold chain of the meat, which is key to guaranteeing its good condition. In addition, they found that the slaughterhouse was causing damage to both the soil and the water sources of the sector where it was operating due to the poor disposal of solid and liquid waste.

“In the search and seizure procedure carried out in coordination with “The National Police seized a ton and a half of meat that was ready for sale, and 14 animals were recovered, 9 of them in a precarious state of health,” reported the Prosecutor’s Office.

They were sentenced to house arrest

The prosecuting body also reported that a prosecutor from the Boyacá Section He charged Casteblanco Velásquez and Casteblanco Reyes with the crimes of corruption of food, medical products or prophylactic material, damage to natural resources and animal abuse.

Finally, it was learned that the decision of the guarantee control judge who reviewed the case He imposed a measure of deprivation of liberty on them at the place of residence.

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