District V21 and Municipality of Viña del Mar addressed waste management opportunities – G5noticias

District V21 and Municipality of Viña del Mar addressed waste management opportunities – G5noticias
District V21 and Municipality of Viña del Mar addressed waste management opportunities – G5noticias

With the aim of sharing visions and experiences that allow optimizing the design and mechanisms of waste management in Viña del Mar, the Viñamarino municipality and the V21 Innovation District, with the support of Corfo, organized the Technological Update on urban solid waste management .

The conference, developed within the framework of the collaboration agreement of the Municipality of Viña del Mar and the V21 District, provided a space to channel the existing capacities in the Valparaíso Region to design and provide management solutions, process design, communications and new technologies in waste management in the commune of Viña del Mar.

The Technological Update format is a space established by the V21 District to promote and facilitate collaboration between companies, universities and higher education institutions and startups, based on the main challenges of the industry, with the aim of increasing the efficiency of their processes, ensure the quality and development of new products and services and generate new verticals and business opportunities among the various actors in the innovation ecosystem, addressing on this occasion the management of urban solid waste in the commune of Viña del Mar.

Mayor Macarena Ripamonti and her team presented the main needs of the Garden City regarding the management of urban solid waste, addressing the redesign of the current waste collection system, full compliance with waste management in the commune and, finally, the urgency of providing this service in non-regularized sectors that require attention.

For their part, entrepreneurs, startups and members of the V21 Innovation District shared their experiences, use of technologies and innovative solutions to respond to the challenges and needs posed by the local authority, with the intention of generating a relevant impact on municipal management from the economic and environmental point of view.

For Mayor Ripamonti, this collaborative work between the private world, academia, the public apparatus and citizens responds to “the pains that are related to how inefficient public services are and, in particular, the one that I have to lead. Not because of a question of will, but fundamentally because of the regulatory structures, the contractual deficiencies and the limits around the possibilities, in terms of competences, that our markets also have, for example, to resolve the issue of data collection. waste.”

Furthermore, the communal authority pointed out that “this represents a significant expense for our city, since more than a third of our budget is being spent on throwing garbage and that is not only an expense problem, but also affects the sustainability of life. and the ability of future generations to live in a better environment.”

For his part, Etienne Choupay, regional director of Corfo in Valparaíso, highlighted the contribution of this type of events “to contribute from academia, research centers and the innovation ecosystem to find and reach solutions that can be piloted, hopefully with resources from Corfo, to respond to both the needs of the neighbors and the municipality of Viña del Mar, as well as many municipalities that experience this reality in our country.”

Finally, the executive director of the V21 Innovation District, Jaime Arnaiz, thanked the participants in this Technological Update and called “to learn about the various strategies and innovative solutions that aim to respond to the challenges in waste management, as “This is a problem that must be addressed through collaborative work and synergy between the different actors in the innovation ecosystem, who place their capabilities and talents for the benefit of a more prosperous and sustainable city for all.”

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