Posthumous book by Ariel Elgueta about those relegated in Aysén released

Posthumous book by Ariel Elgueta about those relegated in Aysén released
Posthumous book by Ariel Elgueta about those relegated in Aysén released

There are 21 cases that were investigated and compiled, among them those of the leaders Clodomiro Almeyda in Chile Chico and Mireya Baltra in Puerto Aysén.

Last Thursday, May 30, the book “Exile and Relegations in Aysén” was launched posthumously in Coyhaique. Conversations and Memory” by the late Coyhaican author Ariel Elgueta Velásquez.

Printed by LOM publishing house in Santiago and with 140 pages, the work presents 21 testimonies and photographs of people who experienced exile and relegation in Patagonia Aysén firsthand.

The launch, held in the Augusto Grosse hall, thanks to the support of the Seremi de Obras Públicas de Aysén, was sponsored by the Coyhaique Human Rights Group, and financed by 8% of the FNDR of the Regional Government of Aysén and its advice.

With the attendance of a hundred people, the presentation of the work was led by one of the protagonists of the book, Noel Neira Vera, who emphasized the significance of the record.

“Today, when many people deny the tragic events of September 11, I believe that Ariel’s work takes on importance, because it is a testimony lived by many people that the residents of Coyhaique themselves know and who know that they are not going to tell falsehoods. . It is their story, so it has tremendous importance and adds to the work of Salvador Allende in the Aysén Region,” said Neira.

Ariel Elgueta, son of the author, recalled that a month after his father’s departure, the family is happy for the launch and closing of a book that he was writing for a long time.

“It was a desire he had for a long time to finish this book, to tell these stories. And the book now escapes him, it is a book that belongs to the community,” said the author’s son.

María Erita Vera Vera, president of the Human Rights Group, also accompanied the presentation of the 21 stories. H H. from Coyhaique, who valued the work as very important.

“It reflects a part of the history that happened in this region, which was a place where many relegated people arrived from different parts of Chile and also the history of many Ayseninos who were forced to leave this land for other places. It is a story that is not known or talked about much,” he said.

Ninón Neira, who prefaces the testimonial text, commented that she is proud of the people who helped prepare this book. “This is a job that in reality we should never have done, what is reported in this book should never have happened in our country. My memory and my posthumous congratulations to Ariel,” she expressed.

Six years of work

During the posthumous launch, a video of the late sociologist, socialist activist and political leader Ariel Elgueta Velásquez was released, in which he reflects on the current political moment in the country and the importance of rescuing Socialism as a banner of struggle in favor of the people.

The idea of ​​the text began to take shape in 2018 by the author, collecting background information and documents, and then conducting interviews that included political figures of the stature of Clodomiro Almeyda (PS), who was relegated by the dictatorship in Chile Chico, in 1987, like Mireya Baltra (PC), although in her case a forced stay in Puerto Aysén, both former ministers in the Allende government.

After the social outbreak and the years of pandemic, Ariel Elgueta presents the idea to the DD Group. HH of Coyhaique for the book to be financed by the FNDR, support that allowed the work to be completed, although the author died in mid-April, a few days before the book was printed.

The work team was led in the interviews by the author himself, and in part of them with the collaboration of Ricardo Chacón and Jaime Peña; the sisters Tania, Camila and Daniela Pérez in the transcriptions; Verónica Venegas in the logistical support, Claudio Díaz in the general edition; and the cover design by Pía Molina.

At the posthumous launch ceremony, his son Ariel Elgueta Henríquez read his father’s biography; and his life partner in recent years Claudia Pérez Barría, advanced part of the introduction of the book, giving an account of the objectives and work that the author did until the end of his days.

“I feel very happy, especially, because of the number of people we had here in the auditorium, which also happened with his wake, and it means that there are many people who love him. Ariel spread so much love and all this is reciprocated, so I feel very happy,” acknowledged Claudia Pérez, also mother of Francisca Elgueta Pérez.

Marina Cid, widow of Avelino Aránguiz Riquelme, another of the cases portrayed in the book, said she was very grateful for the memory of her husband. “When we arrived in the region, first he and then I came with my children, all very young, the Neira family, Don Ariel, Father Bruno, welcomed us and they tried to help Avelino to get ahead,” she said.

Walter Fritsch, Joaquín Real, Yasmina Molina representing Óscar Ángulo Matamala, Noel Neira Vera and the family of Avelino Aránguiz Riquelme, received copies of the book from Francisca Elgueta Pérez and Ariel Elgueta Henríquez, children of the author.

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