Another multinational leaves Argentina and leaves the business to a local group

Another multinational leaves the country and leaves his business to a national group. The Colombian wholesale connectivity operator Internexa sold its local subsidiary to the Argentine company Silica Networks, from Grupo Datco. This same holding company starred in the purchase of another renowned company three months ago: in March it took over the activities of Xerox, after the American printer brand – which now does data processing – gave it its operations in Argentina and Chile. .

The withdrawal of Internexa – a firm of the ISA Group that opened its offices in Puerto Madero in 2019 – responds to a regional plan which covers the exit of two other neighboring markets to concentrate on Colombia and Peru: in December, left Brazil and transferred the business to Megatelecom and, as far as he could know Clarín, will soon leave Chile. About, Arbey Gómez Urbanogeneral manager of the company, noted that “The operation is part of Internexa’s new strategy and will bring benefits and opportunities for clients, suppliers and stakeholders.”

With 500 employees, Silica Networks is dedicated to the provision of infrastructure, maintenance and fiber optic connectivity and transportation services. With this acquisition, will add a terrestrial fiber optic network of more than 2,500 kilometers with access to Brazil, Chile and Uruguay, in addition to presence in urban conglomerates in the Central region of the country.

Internexa opened offices in 2019 in Puerto Madero. Photo: archive

Silica Networks expands its fiber optic coverage

Its fiber optic network today covers more than 14,000 kilometers. It crosses the main regional economies of Argentina, Brazil and Chile, with access to the Atlantic and the Pacific, with five mountain passes to connect with the transatlantic cables that link both margins of the continent, as well as exit to Brazil through Misiones.

In Mendozathe Silica Networks network connects with Santiago de Chilethrough the Cajón del Maipo pass. From San Carlos de Bariloche crosses to Osorno in Chile, through the Cardenal Samoré pass. Also in Patagonia, from San Martín de los Andes and Junín de los Andesthrough the Humboldt Fiber, crosses the Mamuil Malal pass, connecting the Chilean province of Cautín, Region IX-Araucanía. And further south, it has two crosses: the one connects Río Mayo, in Chubut, with the Chilean town of Coyhaique, through Aldea Beleiro; and another that connects the towns of Lago Blanco, Chubut, with Balmaceda, Chile.

Horacio Martínez, founder and owner of Grupo Datco. Photo: Datco Group

Thus, according to the company, the deal will allow you to consolidate your position with greater geographic coverage, achieve better economies of scale and incorporate three international connectivity routes: one towards Santiago de Chile at the height of Las Cuevas, in Mendozaby the passage of Christ the Redeemer; and two to Brazil; one from Corrientes through the Paso de los Libres, linking with Uruguayana-Río Grande del Sur; and another way Uruguaythrough a line that crosses the Salto Grande Dam, linking Concordia, Entre Ríos, with Salto in Uruguay and then reaching Montevideo and ending in San Pablo based on the capacity agreement on the submarine cable that connects both countries.

Thus, adds two routes to Brazil, additional to the terrestrial one that connects Misiones, from the town of Bernardo de Irigoyen, with Dionisio Cerqueira, in the State of Santa Catarina, and Barracão, in the State of Paraná; and the one you have from the contracted capacity in the submarine cable that connects Las Toninas with San Pablo.

“I grew up in a nation called the ‘melting pot’ because of immigrants of multiple nationalities. Destiny and the circumstances that we had to go through turned Grupo Datco into a ‘melting pot of companies’, since InterNexa Argentina is acquisition number 27 of a path that began in the crisis of 2001“, held Horacio Martínezfounder and owner of Datco, and a leader in the IT industry.

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