The Argentine Rally anticipates the winter season in Misiones

The Argentine Rally anticipates the winter season in Misiones
The Argentine Rally anticipates the winter season in Misiones

After nine years and after intense efforts, the province is once again part of the Argentine Rally calendar. The competition will travel the roads of seven missionary towns.

From Friday, June 7 to Sunday, June 9, the fourth date of the Argentine Rally 2024 will take place on the red earth. The epicenter will be Leandro N. Alem, whose Kartódromo will serve as a Service Park, while the race will be held along the local roads of that municipality and San Javier, extending to Mojón Grande, Dos Arroyos, Almafuerte and Caá Yarí.

The race will not only attract motor sports lovers, but will also boost the local economy, boosting tourism in the region. It is estimated that the number of visitors will be around 5 thousand, a fact that will translate into a significant economic impact for small merchants and entrepreneurs in the area.

“The holding of this event is very important for tourism activity, taking into account the number of people it mobilizes, the consumption they can make of the services, products and accommodations, and the visibility it has at the national level. It is a great showcase to show our destination, preparing us for what the winter season will be like,” said the Minister of Tourism, José María Arrúa.

In turn, the mayors of Leandro N. Alem, Matías Sebely, and of San Javier, Matías Vilchez, agreed on the demand they are having for accommodations for these dates.

“In our municipality we no longer have accommodation available, but we are working with the mayors of nearby towns to cover all the demands,” said Sebely, while his counterpart, Vilchez, added that “we are going to be one of the 8 headquarters of this Rally, among all the provinces that want to have a place, and we are going to work hard to ensure that it stays in the region.”

On the other hand, the president of the Missionary Association of Rally Pilots and Navigators, Máximo Brunner, explained that “the teams will be able to test their machines on Thursday the 6th, on the Test Day, in a section located in the town of Almafuerte. In this instance, entry is free for the general public.”

The return of the Argentine Rally to the red land is the result of the joint effort of the Government of Misiones, the Municipalities of Alem and San Javier, and the AMPyNaR.

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