up to 35 °C this week in these provinces

The north wind will drive a period of high temperatures this week in Argentina.
Christian Garavaglia

Christian Garavaglia 06/03/2024 12:24 6 min

Hand in hand with a powerful anticyclone of more than 1032 hPa, positioned over the center of Argentina, temperatures have collapsed at the beginning of the week in the national territory.

The greatest thermal decreases compared to Sunday occurred in the central zone of the country, where The frosts returned, although this phenomenon maintained its greatest intensity in Patagonia.

Of the most notable minimum temperatures In the south of Argentina we can mention Governor Gregores (Santa Cruz) with -12.0°CMaquinacho (Río Negro) with -10.4°C and Paso de Indios (Chubut) with -10.1°C.

In it center of the country Villa Reynolds (San Luis) stands out with -4.7°CGeneral Pico (La Pampa) with -4.0°Cand Marcos Juárez (Córdoba) with -2.0°C among the coldest places. Rosario had a minimum of 0.7°Cwhile the Federal Capital registered 4.5°Calthough in the suburbs the temperature fell to values ​​of up to 0.4°C (Dovecote).

In northern Argentina, the arrival of the cold front was more recent, and the strong thermal drop will be felt throughout this Monday. The weekend had very warm afternoons for the season, especially on Sunday, when reports between 30 and 33 °C in the provinces of Chaco, Formosa and Salta.

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This Monday’s day will pass with certain instability in the northern strip of Argentina, where some isolated rains are not ruled out accompanied by the entry of cold air.

Cloud cover will remain abundant in Patagonia and will increase markedly in the central strip of Argentina. As the anticyclonic system moves to the northeast, the north wind flow will be reestablished in the next few hours.

In particular, The northeastern portion of Patagonia will become very windy for the second half of this Monday, and north-northwest winds may reach gusts exceeding 70 km/h. A yellow level meteorological alert for strong winds is in effect for the eastern portion of Chubut.

Summer of San Juan? High temperatures will surprise this first week of June

As we have been telling you from Meteored Argentina in the latest reports, The initial cold this week will very quickly give way to temperature values ​​that will be well above the usual marks for the season. in much of Argentina.

This is surprising given the recent cold May that has just ended in the country, and which may soon be confirmed as the coldest since at least 1961. Very quickly This week we will experience a preview of the famous San Juan summera period popularly known in relation to the saints’ day of June 24 and where many years there are usually incursions of warm air in our country.

From Tuesday onwards The north wind in the lower layer of the atmosphere will be persistent and essential to generate a progressive rise in temperatures.

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Humidity will be high in the lower layer of the atmosphere towards the middle of the week in the center and north of the country.

In the South Pacific, a large area of ​​low pressure will persist quite blocked throughout the days, keeping conditions unstable in the Patagonian mountain range.

Meanwhile, It will be between Wednesday and Thursday when a significant jump in temperatures and also humidity will occur in the center and north of Argentina.with conditions prone to the formation of fog, mist and dew in the early hours of the day.

What temperatures will be recorded in Argentina this week?

In the Federal Capital and throughout the north of Buenos Aires, temperatures in the afternoons, and at least until the weekend, will begin to be above 20 °C. For that day Thursday, in Rosario and Córdoba capital, marks of 25 °C may already be touchedwhile Formosa, Chaco and part of Salta will once again touch 30 °C.

The marks will continue to increase slightly towards the weekend, moderated in part by the abundant cloudiness that will predominate in the final stretch of the week. Values ​​of up to 35 °C could occur towards Saturday in the extreme north of the country, more than 10 °C compared to the normal for the time in terms of maximum temperatures..

Towards Sunday a probable event of rain and storms could bring a temporary thermal decline in the central provincesbut it does not seem that this is going to affect the northern provinces of the country, so we will continue to follow closely in Meteored the possibility that the heat will settle in a striking way until next week in different provinces.

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