The Wiesenthal Center affirmed that Gabriel Boric “injects his anti-Semitism” into official policy and “endangers the Jewish community” of Chile

The Wiesenthal Center affirmed that Gabriel Boric “injects his anti-Semitism” into official policy and “endangers the Jewish community” of Chile
The Wiesenthal Center affirmed that Gabriel Boric “injects his anti-Semitism” into official policy and “endangers the Jewish community” of Chile

Parliamentarians hold a Palestinian flag during President Boric’s Public Account at the National Congress in Valparaiso.

(From Santiago, Chile) It is a mystery to no one that the president Gabriel Boric is a staunch advocate of the Palestine cause and in his Public Account this Saturday, the president confirmed that Chile will support the case that South Africa filed against Israel at the International Court in The Hague, which earned him a strong complaint from the Simon Wiesenthal Center Latin America.

The Director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center for Latin America, Ariel Gelblung He maintained that “the official antisemitism It transforms in everyday danger for the members of the Jewish Community of Chile. This same week, at the Pedagogical Institute that certifies teachers, the expulsion of Jewish teachers being syndicated as zionists defenders of Israel’s infanticidal policy, emulating the Germany of the Nazis. Mobs are common in front of Jewish institutions, harassing attendees,” he said in a statement.

Gelblung added that “Chile has a serious problem of terrorist groups in the southern region who vandalize properties and have burned religious sites different faiths. How would Chileans react if, when the Government took measures to protect civilians, the world took the side of the attackers? The Simon Wiesenthal Center has long urged President Boric and his government to caution in his policies regarding the Middle East, which he definitely has not done. From our institution, we will continue to expose your discriminatory policy and denouncing those that demonize to Israel and put the Jewish Community at risk”, he finished.

The Chilean president had explained in his speech in National chainthat “just as I have done in other public forums regarding violations of human rights in Nicaragua and Venezuelaor about the inadmissible war of aggression of Russia to Ukraine, I have the duty to refer today to the critical situation in the Gaza Strip. We will never cease to be outraged by indiscriminate and absolutely disproportionate actions against innocent civilians, particularly Palestinian women and children. There are already more than 35 thousand dead, a humanitarian situation catastrophic and the infrastructure in Gaza practically destroyed.”

“These acts require a firm response of the international community. Therefore, in addition to the humanitarian support that we have given to Palestine, of the called for consultation of our ambassador in Israel, and to present together with Mexico a referral of the situation in Palestine before the International Criminal Court, I have decided that Chile will become a party and will support the case presented by South Africa against Israel before the International Court of Justice in The Hague, within the framework of the UN Genocide Convention. I have ordered to the Foreign Ministry teams to prepare a document with our arguments,” Boric concluded.

The Wiesenthal Center recalled that this announcement adds to the snub that the Chilean president infringed on the Israeli ambassador, Gil Artzyeli, by not receiving his credentials when appropriate, to the order just over a month ago to leave out of the Fidae – a fair specialized in aerospace, defense and security technologies – at Israeli companies already, to say the least, strained relationship that he has maintained with the Chilean Jewish Communityfrom his time as a congressman when he rejected a gift for the Jewish New Year celebration, to his ascension to the government, to decline to receive their representatives in The coin.

It should be noted that the largest Palestinian community outside the Middle East lives in Chile and currently there are some 400 thousand Chileans of origin Palestinian. The number of Chileans who profess jewish faithmeanwhile, around the 20 thousand.

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