Police report seizure of arsenal of the ‘Gulf clan’ in the rural area of ​​Necoclí, Antioquia

Police report seizure of arsenal of the ‘Gulf clan’ in the rural area of ​​Necoclí, Antioquia
Police report seizure of arsenal of the ‘Gulf clan’ in the rural area of ​​Necoclí, Antioquia

The National Police reported this holiday Monday the seizure of an arsenal of the ‘Gulf clan’, in the rural area of ​​Necoclí, in Urabá, Antioquia.

(Read: Police Director reports the capture of a member of the support networks of the EMC dissidents in Cauca)

“Arsenal underground! In development of #OperationAgamemnon and in compliance with the presidential order to attack the ‘Clan del Golfo’, in the rural area of ​​Necoclí we located a cove with 8 rifles, 3 pistols, a revolver, a shotgun, 10 suppliers and 49 kilos of cocaine,” said the Police director through a message on the social network X.

Brigadier General Arnulfo Rosemberg Novoa Piñeros, commander of Police Region No. 6, explained that the seizure was achieved thanks to the support of lto the Prosecutor’s Office and the cooperation of United States intelligence agencies.

“The arsenal and the shipment of cocaine were hidden in an underground cove. Among the items were 13 firearms, uniforms for the exclusive use of the Military Forces,” said the officer.

Several of the elements found in the operation.


The authorities indicated that this region “facilitates”, due to its geographical position, the shipment of narcotics abroad. ““With these types of results, the finances of this criminal organization are affected.”

Last February, General William René Salamanca, director of the Police, land informed the head of state that Operation Agamemnon was reactivated and a new strategy was designed to attack the ‘Gulf clan’.

​This newspaper learned for the first time that the plan that the Police consolidated to confront this criminal structure, which according to the report of the intelligence agencies called ‘Appreciation of the critical capabilities of the threat, Accam’, with a cut-off date of July 2023 , has 4,999 members (1,740 in arms and 3,259 in support networks).

Agamemnon, which was launched in 2015, has had the sole objective (in its two phases) to affect the ‘Gulf clan’, and after the capture of ‘Othniel’ its intensity was lowered. Now, under the command of General Arnulfo Rosemberg Novoa Piñeros, the strategy “focuses on identifying, capturing and prosecuting 300 men and women who are part of the so-called support networks,” General Salamanca told this newspaper.

Justice Editorial
X: @JusticiaET

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