Javier Milei went to the Ministry of Human Capital and met with Sandra Pettovello in another sign of support

Javier Milei went to the Ministry of Human Capital and met with Sandra Pettovello in another sign of support
Javier Milei went to the Ministry of Human Capital and met with Sandra Pettovello in another sign of support

Milei meeting at Human Capital

On the first business day after his return to Argentina, the president Javier Milei He went to the Ministry of Human Capital to talk personally with Sandra Pettovellowhom he had already received at Quinta de Olivos, in the midst of the controversy over the delivery of food to canteens.

The national leader left around noon from the Casa Rosada towards the organization’s headquarters, located in Juncal and Cerrito, and spoke for more than two hours with the official, for whom he reiterated his support, amid rumors of alleged resignation that were circulating.

According to what they specified Infobae official sources, Pettovello confirmed to the head of state that he will remain in office and together They finalized details of the protocol they had for the delivery of food that was about to expire.

This involves more than 4,400 kilos of corn flour and nearly a ton of powdered milk that were stored in the warehouses that the portfolio has in the Buenos Aires town of Villa Martelli and in Tafí Viejo, in the interior of Tucumán, which will be delivered to soup kitchens by Army trucks.

In addition, the minister reported that along with the investigation being carried out into the contracts and purchases made through the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI), the government decided to also move forward. in the supervision of the agreements signed by Anses with the Ibero-American Social Security Organization (OISS) due to suspicions of more irregularities.

Javier Milei and Sandra Pettovello

The authorities stated that An agreement was signed with the CONIN Foundation so that, through 64 distribution centers, its dining rooms and picnic areas, it facilitates the provision of more than 465 thousand kilos of powdered milk to vulnerable social sectors.

The Government explained that The delivery of the merchandise will take two weeks.taking into account the expiration dates of the products, and that to guarantee fast, efficient logistics without intermediaries, the operation will have the collaboration of the Argentine Army and the Ministry of Defense.

For its part, CONIN must certify, through the presentation of reports, the periodic progress and in a final report, the effective use of food by the canteens.

The President had already received the minister in Olivos on Sunday afternoon, shortly after returning from his tour of the United States and El Salvador, to work together with Federico Sturzenegger in a new contingency contracting system.

As explained by the former head of the Central Bank, who will soon join the Government, “in this alternative system, the objective of emergencies to be covered remains unchanged, but the execution changes radically”, since “the goods are not purchased, but that buys a ‘purchase option’ on those assets (in financial jargon it is a call)”.

“The private sector uses all its logistics and storage capacity to provide this stock. And as that stock rotates, The products will always be available without the State having to have inventories or have a single warehouse”Sturzenegger highlighted in this regard.

During the weekend, after Pablo de la Torre, who was the Secretary of Children and Family, was displaced, the Ministry of Human Capital reported that it was going to be launched “a protocol for the immediate delivery of soon-to-expire food through the Argentine Army to guarantee fast and efficient logistics”.

In parallel, both Milei and the main members of the Cabinet publicly expressed their support for the official. The President even told him personally during his meeting in Olivos.

“What is happening in Human Capital is that There is a brave, capable minister with all the guts necessary to confront this entire group of criminals. And it doesn’t just remain a media complaint. “He goes and takes him to justice,” the head of state remarked this Sunday, in an interview with Radio Miter.

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