3J Ni Una Menos: this is how the marches are experienced in Neuquén, Roca, Cipolletti, Bariloche and Viedma

This Monday 3 of June are fulfilled nine years since the first march “Ni Una Menos”, the feminist movement that was born in 2015, in the face of the femicide of Chiara Paez. In 2024, the slogan is strongly renewed and the streets of Neuquén, Roca, Cipolletti, Bariloche and Viedma they return to be the scene of massive cries for justice. Here we tell you how the mobilizations are developing in the main points of Neuquén and Río Negro.

3J Not One Less


The concentration begins in Viedma

From Assembly 3J they announced that this Monday they will hold a march to make their claim visible. Under the motto “on the 3rd we take to the streets and squares throughout the country. With hunger and hatred, there is no freedom. “Down with the DNU, no to the basic law,” they called on those interested in participating to meet at 4:30 p.m. between Winter and Alvaro Barros streets.


What will the 3J march be like in Neuquén?

In Neuquén, the call is 17 in it monument to Saint Martin. The feminist collective “La Revuelta” leads the local organization, underscoring the urgency of resisting what they consider a government that promotes hatred and hunger.

«Today there are plenty of reasons to go out into the streets. Faced with the hatred and hunger of Javier Milei’s government, we organize. We say NO to the Bases Law, NO to looting, NO to the emptying, definancing and destruction of policies with a gender perspective,” they declare in their statement.

«In the face of misogyny, lesbicides, femicides, transvesticides, transfemicides, sexist violence, the streets are our refuge. Because there we plot resistance. Because there we project hopes. Because there, in the streets, hand to hand, we are power,” they remarked.

The march will culminate with a symbolic intervention called «Light the lesbian torch».

3J Ni Una Menos: why feminisms are marching in Neuquén and Río Negro

By Emiliana Cortona

The four feminist references who will give their opinion in this note agree on several diagnoses. One is this: it is imperative to march this June 3, participate in the cry Ni una Menos.

Ruth Zurbriggen of the Revolt, Bethlehem Spinetta of the Multisectorial of Women and Dissidents of Bariloche, Estella Cavazzoli of Libertas and Daniela Berdugo from Ni una Menos Cipolletti also agree in which hate speech takes shape. This year, this Ni una Menos, this June 3, is marked by the triple lesbicide committed in Barracas, Buenos Aires, in which they died Pamela Cobbas, her partner Mercedes Roxana Figueroa, and Andrea Amarante. And for which Sofía Castro Riglos is still recovering.

They also agree that it is important keep the memory in the streets, “there are many young people who do not know who Chiara Páez was and it is essential to continue communicating,” says Belén Spinetta from Bariloche. And the warning is worth it, and the replacement of information: the first march Ni una Menos was in 2015. In the first months of that year, there was an increase in the number of femicides compared to the previous year. Melina Romero; Natalia Rocha; Paola Rodríguez; Mariana Llamazare; Agustina Salinas; They were some of the victims of sexist violence.

The first March Not One Lesswas convened in that context, after the femicide of Chiara Paez, 14 years old, on May 9, 2015. Manuel Mansilla, 16 years old, killed her and buried her body under his grandparents’ house. The body of Chiara Paez He was found the next day and Mansilla confessed to having killed her.

«Ni una Menos was born as a cry against gender violence and femicides«, replies Ruth Zurbriggen, «we are calling for a new 3J march, the one that originated that immense and powerful movement that Ni una Menos said in 2015, that movement that politicized sexist violence and knew how to see it in the network of power that is deployed«.

Not one Less, reasons to leave

For Belén Spinetta, she lives in a context where It seeks to advance the rights that women and dissidents have achieved: “They are not only questioned our objective achievements such as the Legal Abortion Law, Divorce, Equal Marriage, the Comprehensive Sexual Education Law or the trans labor quota, but also is being encouraged from the national government and the ruling party a anti-gender, anti-feminist politics and the spread of hate speech that goes against this.”

For Spinetta, these types of speeches are part of a period speech. “The sectors reactionaries are emboldened. Hate speech has consequences specific about the lives of women and diversities.”

From Neuquén Ruth Zurbriggen assures that there are thousands and thousands and thousands of reasons to march this Ni una Menos: “It is difficult to synthesize, there are thousands of reasons since the inauguration of Javier Milei that lead us to be in the streets. New ones appear every day. In fact, 6 months of government passed and the feeling is from years of putting up with them. The thing is the plan of destruction of everything collective is being felt, overwhelms and brings many discomforts”.

Among many reasons he lists: “We came out against hunger policies. Against the Law Bases and delivery to large corporations. We leave to continue raising the flags of the ESI, legal abortion, of free and dignified lives for women, transvestites, transsexuals, trans and non-binary people.”

From La Revuelta Colectiva Feminista they invite people to march and assure that “the street is our refuge.” What does it mean? “Streets They are the place of the collective plot, of arming hopes. We go out to talk, to dialogue, to listen to each other and build practices and ways to sustain ourselves. “We oppose cruelty with radical tenderness, which begins by knowing and feeling that we have each other.”

For Daniela Berdugo this Ni una Menos “dIt should mean not one more abuse, not one more man who attacks us.”. For her this year is imperative “show that we are, that we are organized, that there are many of us and that we are going to fight.” And she is also clear with the diagnosis: “We are under a government that oppresses who feels us as a threat and treats us that way. “The biggest cuts are coming to us.”

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