Juan Carlos N, arrested for the theft of a sculpture in Carranza – El Sol de San Luis

Juan Carlos N, arrested for the theft of a sculpture in Carranza – El Sol de San Luis
Juan Carlos N, arrested for the theft of a sculpture in Carranza – El Sol de San Luis

Juan Carlos “N” was arrested by agents of the Attorney General’s Office of the State of San Luis Potosí (FGESLP) as a probable participant in the theft of a sculpture in the shape of a mermaid that was located in the Historic Center of the capital of Potosí.

Through several citizen complaints received at the Municipal City Hall, an investigation file was initiated by the FGESLP, after the theft of a statue that was installed on Urestí Avenue between the intersection of Carranza Avenue and Francisco I Street. Madero, in June 2023.

The investigations carried out by the elements of the Investigative Police (PDI) revealed the identity of the probable perpetrator; this data collected was also based on the investigation folder that was later prosecuted by the Home Burglary, Industry and Commerce Unit.

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Through these actions, the Prosecutor’s Office managed to issue an arrest warrant against the man now mentioned; mandate that was executed in the streets of the Tlaxcala neighborhood with the arrest of Juan Carlos “N”.

The Fiscal Agent in this case will formulate the due imputation of the crime of qualified robbery in the initial hearing before the Control Judge, for now, this person will be in the region’s prison.

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