“You offend God”: Villarruel crossed Grabois due to the controversy over the non-distribution of food

The scandal of food withheld by the Ministry of Human Capital, headed by Sandra Pettovello, continues to generate controversies around the Government of Javier Milei.

Now, it was the vice president, Victoria Villarruel, who came out to the Juan Grabois intersection. The social leader was one of the main promoters of the complaint, and this Monday he filed his complaint against the President in X’s account.

“You offend God when you take His Holy Name in vain. “You offend when you use the poor to profit from them and engage in politics,” Villarruel launched against Grabois, who through an extensive letter cited fragments of the New Testament of the Bible.

“You offend when you accuse upright people of conspiring against the President knowing that you are cunningly lying. Stop using us Catholics and our Faith to argue and exist politically. Grabois has dignity,” concluded the head of the Senate in X.

See alsoPettovello confirmed that she was threatened and that CONIN will distribute the food

Then came the reply from Grabois himself, defending himself against the accusation of the use of religion in his criticism of the Government: “In relation to evangelical preaching, any Catholic can, with due humility and without believing himself to be the owner of the truth, invoke the teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ to illuminate their participation in public life and denounce social injustices. We are called to that. It is the role of every Christian, especially in the fight for bread,” he stated on networks.

“The center is the people who don’t have anything to eat”

Villarruel chose one of the extensive tweets that Grabois published as a thread in which he tells Milei that Lucifer “was from the forces of heaven,” a signature phrase of the president and his political space, La Libertad Avanza.

“Milei, the defense of the indefensible reveals the unviable way in which your government operates: the fault always lies with the other, the bad guys are all those who are not in your favor and those who are in your favor, even if they are dirtier than a Pope, they begin to swell ‘the forces of heaven,'” Grabois wrote. “Remember that Lucifer was one of the forces of heaven until he fell silent in his pride… and here it smells of sulfur, although Satan disguises himself as an angel of light (Corinthians 11:14),” he added.

Juan Grabois.

“The center of this issue is not you, nor me, nor Sandra Pettovello, nor the social movements. We don’t give a damn who your officials are. Neither those you appoint nor those you dismiss. The center here is the people who don’t have anything to eat. The problem is that food does not reach those who need it in an Argentina where 24 million people are poor and 6 million are hungry because they are below the poverty line,” said Grabois.

c654702f17.jpgSee alsoCristina Kirchner crossed Sandra Pettovello for undelivered food

“Then we discussed whose fault it is, how to get out of here, who are the corrupt and insensitive, who have kiosks and intermediaries… now let’s solve the problem, concrete measures for specific problems,” added the leader.

Grabois was the one who filed the complaint against the withholding of food by Capital Humano, a portfolio led by Pettovello, who received strong support from the head of state, upon his return to Argentina after a new international tour. The conflict triggered the dismissal of the Secretary of Children, Pablo de la Torre, last week, and five other officials of the portfolio also this Monday.

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