The UNSJ joined the national teaching strike for 48 hours

The UNSJ joined the national teaching strike for 48 hours
The UNSJ joined the national teaching strike for 48 hours

After the Government offered a 270% increase in operating expenses to national universities throughout the country, the conflict continues on another front: salaries. The teaching and non-teaching unions of the country’s universities, grouped in the Trade Union Front of National Universities (FSUN), announced a 48-hour national strike during the first week of June, after the Executive did not make any additional salary proposal . The National University of San Juan (UNSJ) adhered to the measure.

As they explained, during the meeting with the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello, and the Undersecretary of University Policies, Alejandro Álvarez, they were presented with the salary agreement that they had previously rejected in the last session.

Given this, they made a new call for a national teaching strike for this Tuesday, June 4 and Wednesday, June 5, which will affect classes throughout the country. In this way, the faculties of the UNSJ and its pre-university schools (Central, Commerce and Industrial) will not have classes on those days.

“In this new meeting, the Government did not make any concrete proposal that would respond to the salary loss that keeps more than half of teaching and non-teaching workers below the poverty line,” the FSUN said in a statement. .

“The union representation, once again, presented the document: monthly salary guideline to avoid continuing to lose with inflation, recovery of what was lost – of the order of 50% -, updating of the salary guarantee, restitution of the Fonid and training funds. The National Government, in this way, far from resolving the conflict, exacerbates it,” they added.

“The Trade Union Front of National Universities ratifies its desire for dialogue to reach an agreement, but understands that it cannot wait any longer, which is why it calls for a 48-hour strike on June 4 and 5 and demands that the National Government urgent proposal that allows us to get out of the salary crisis,” the text concludes.

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