During the last week, 359 cases of dengue were registered in Entre Ríos

During the last week, 359 cases of dengue were registered in Entre Ríos
During the last week, 359 cases of dengue were registered in Entre Ríos

In the last seven days, the department that reported the highest number of cases was Gualeguaychú (282). They are followed in volume of reported cases by Paraná (22), Federación (21) and Diamante (16).

The information updated with the data corresponding to the epidemiological week 22 (which runs from May 26 to June 1) It can be consulted on the dengue case monitor, available on the website of the Ministry of Health of Entre Ríos, at the link https://www.entrerios.gov.ar/msalud/monitorcovid-19/monitor_pub_arbovirus.html.

There it can also be seen that in the period between August 1, 2023 and May 31, 2024, the province records a cumulative total of 21,195 reported cases.

Finally, the General Directorate of Epidemiology reported that in the last week no new hospitalizations for this cause were reported. In this way, the total remains at 1,018 (from August 2023 to May 2024), of which 84 required admission to Intensive Care Units.

Dengue: we can all contribute to prevention

In principle, It should be remembered that the disease is not transmitted from person to person but rather through the Aedes aegypti mosquito.

Therefore, even when infections show a downward trend for the tenth consecutive week, it is essential that each person from their place contribute to sustaining preventive actions, such as cleaning surfaces and containers that retain water, where the transmitting mosquito reproduces.

These habits must be maintained throughout the year, since the eggs that Aedes aegypti females lay at this time can survive low temperatures and remain viable until the arrival of spring. Therefore, by cleaning containers and eliminating any element that may retain water, we will also help limit the presence of the transmitting mosquito in the next season.

Symptoms of dengue

It is important to keep in mind the manifestations of the disease to know what signs to go to health services for.

Common symptoms include: fever, nausea and vomiting, redness and inflammation of the skin, and severe pain in the head, behind the eyes, in the muscles and joints.

But are not the only ones. The disease can also have severe forms and cause death. Therefore, you should go to a health facility immediately if you present any of the warning signs such as intense and continuous abdominal pain; dizziness or fainting; persistent vomiting; intolerance to liquids and foods; drowsiness; restlessness or irritability and/or bleeding.

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