Huila: Serial killer who had a pact with ‘Satan’ fell

In the last hours, the capture of a serial killer was presented, who had several homicides in Huila and Antioquiawho was identified as Janer Iván Morales Poveda alias ‘Satanás’this is based on information from the Attorney General’s Office, where he celebrated the capture of this individual.

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According to information from the authorities, he was captured in the town center of Silvania in Giantthis through an investigation carried out where it was highlighted that the subject was in charge of dispossessing farmers and coffee growers of their lands, as well as murdering and dismembering his victims.

Photo taken from Infobae

Likewise, they stated that the subject forced people to join his criminal group. The Satanresponsible for boosting drug trafficking in populated centers of Silvania and Zuluagabut when he received a refusal he murdered those who did not join.

Situation for which the colonel Pedro Pablo Leóncommander of the Ninth Brigade of Huila, stated that the subject had more than 40 murders with the particularity that the victims were decapitated and dismembered, in order to bury them in common graves and thus disappear them due to the refusal of non-payment of the substances. hallucinogenic.

Pedro Pablo León

Statements by the commander of the 9th Brigade

“He would have claimed to have a pact with the devil, indicating that in order to comply with this, he had to murder at least two people per month and drink their blood, which is why he dismembered his victims in a kind of ritual.”

Pedro Pablo León

What is going to happen to Satan?

Situation for which the Attorney General’s Office charged him with crimes of aggravated homicide; forced displacement; trafficking, manufacturing or carrying of narcotics, manufacturing, trafficking and carrying of firearms. However, the charges were not accepted by alias Satan, which is why his sentence will soon be known.



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