RUTA begins a cycle of conversations about the city – G5noticias

RUTA begins a cycle of conversations about the city – G5noticias
RUTA begins a cycle of conversations about the city – G5noticias

After the inauguration of the Ciudad Viña Study Exhibition, in which 32 projects and initiatives for the Valparaíso Region are presented, new spaces for dialogue and meeting were enabled to deepen dialogue around city issues.

The Open Territorial Urban Reflection (RUTA) initiative, promoted by the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso (PUCV), the Regional Chamber of Commerce of Valparaíso (CRCP), Las Salinas and the Encuentros del Futuro Foundation (FEF), takes a new step later of the inauguration of the City Study Exhibition, with a conversation agenda that will take place next June 4 and 11 at the Cultural Corporation of Viña del Mar. The visual display of the model that houses the 32 projects and initiatives, public and private that have been proposed for the Garden City, were the kick-off to begin the cycle of reflection that aims to be a positive space and proposal regarding the present and future of the city.

The first conversation “Fires, nature, territory and culture of prevention”, It will have the participation as panelists of Alejandro Peirano, Director of the Botanical Garden and Luis Álvarez, PUCV geographer and member of the RUTA Strategic Committee. They will address the situation of the fires that occurred in February, pointing to environmental and geographic conditions and climate change, which are key to consider in future prevention actions.

ROUTE Background

In 2023, RUTA developed a Study in which more than a thousand people in Viña del Mar were surveyed. When asked about What place or natural environment is valued in Viña del Mar? The response was that more than 42% of the inhabitants recognized the Botanical Garden as the most relevant natural place in the city, well above the second place obtained by the beaches, which accounted for 19% of the responses.

Meanwhile, regarding the question of how prepared the city was for possible risks, more than 50 percent of those surveyed answered that the city was poorly prepared to face an incident.

Upcoming conversations

On Tuesday, June 4, there will also be a second discussion on the topic City, infrastructure and connectivity. Meanwhile, on Tuesday, June 11, the dialogue will continue with the topics of “Technology and interactions in the new city” and “City: a perspective from heritage, tourism and the coastline.”

The conversations are open to the public, upon registration through the website

It is worth mentioning that the RUTA Estudio Ciudad Exhibition will be available until Friday, June 14 at the Municipal Corporation of Viña del Mar (Arlegui 683), from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. :00 hrs.

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