In Córdoba and other towns: this June 3, they march for “Ni una menos”

In Córdoba and other towns: this June 3, they march for “Ni una menos”
In Córdoba and other towns: this June 3, they march for “Ni una menos”

It is the ninth anniversary of the feminist mobilization, in a context where the numbers of femicides and the wave of gender violence and hate attacks on dissidents are increasing.

This Monday, different organizations are calling for the mass march of “Not one less”, which will take place in different parts of the country. In Córdoba Capital it will be from 6 p.m. from Av. Colón and Cañada.

Under the slogan of “Enough of lesbicides, femicides and trans-transvesticides; Enough of hunger and persecution” from the “Ni Una Menos” Assembly in Córdoba, they call this general strike to express the demands of women and dissidents, in a context of profound social and economic crisis; in addition to a context of high death tolls, growth in hate attacks and cuts in assistance for victims.

Since June 3, 2015, when the country was affected by the murder of Chiara Páez, the first call for Ni Una Menos was promoted. Since then, the records have become more alarming, since, in 2023, 272 direct femicides were recorded, according to the report from the Women’s Office of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation. This number of direct victims represents an 11% increase compared to 2022.

On the other hand, The record of the National Observatory of “Women, Dissidence, Rights” (Mumalá), details that there were 2,348 femicides. 85% of them were direct femicides (2016), 7% were femicides linked to men or boys (163), 5% were linked to women or girls (108) and 3% were trans/transvesticides (61). This is equivalent to 1 femicide of women, lesbians, transvestites and trans people in Argentina every 33 hours.

After the figures from the National Report on femicides, linked femicides, trans/transvesticides and other violent deaths for May 2024 were released, the Director of the Mumalá Observatory, Betiana Cabrera Fasolis, expressed on her networks:

“The #NiUnaMenos is more valid than ever: more than 2,300 femicides since then, 89 so far this year. All aggravated under a national government that denies gender violence and that daily emits hate speeches and adjustments to women and dissidents.”

In Córdoba, so far this year, three direct femicides have been recorded.

In January, Olga Bernardi (72) was beaten to death by her son, who was detained in Alta Gracia. Marco Bottaro (38) was accused of serious criminal charges.

In February, Teodoro Villarruel shot his daughter María Eugenia and mother of an 18-year-old young man before taking his own life. The crime occurred in La Carlota, in the south of the province.

Last May, Ana María Loza was murdered in Villa del Rosario by her ex-partner, who took his own life.

Finally, a direct victim of gender violence was a 2-year-old child in General Levalle. The incident occurred in March when a man murdered his son after leaving a separation hearing with his ex.

It should be noted that, from the organization “Feminist Alert”, this Saturday, June 8, from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in Parque Sarmiento, they invite you to join a solidarity campaign to collect non-perishable food in collaboration with soup kitchens.

In this note: Femicide, Not One Less

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