He went out to take photos at night and captured the Milky Way in the pure sky of a treasure in Patagonia

Advanced Hill. Long exposure photograph of the Milky Way taken 17 km from Puerto Madryn, Chubut coast, Patagonia.

Going out to do nature photography is something that I have always been passionate about, and doing night photography It adds one more seasoning. Most of the time when I go out to do night photography, I go in search of the full moon, but other times I go out to look for the stars. In Puerto Madryn, one of those places we can go is Cerro Avanzado, where after a few minutes we arrive at a wonderful place where we can very easily see the stars, and even the Milky Way.

Advanced Hill. Taking advantage of Trelew’s light pollution and using the Light Painting technique (illuminating with light), to illuminate the vegetation.

It is a different type of photography, where it is essential that it is not windy so that the camera on top of the tripod does not move, and thus prevent the image from being blurry. That the Moon is not there so that the stars can be seen better, obviously that it is not too cloudy, andor more important is to get away from the light pollution produced in the cityso that the lights do not “cover” most of the stars from us. Living in Patagonia It gives us the possibility of being able to move a few kilometers away from any city, and from that light pollution.

Advanced Hill. Taking advantage of the light pollution of Puerto Madryn to illuminate the clouds

To take this type of photography you must place the camera on top of a tripod, position the lens towards the Milky Way or what we want to photograph, and among other parameters, we must take a long exposure photograph.

Punta Este. Long exposure photography and Light Painting technique to illuminate the Cliff Beacon

This is achieved by programming the camera to take a photo for about 15 or 18 seconds.

Cerro Avanzado, using the city’s light pollution to illuminate the background

If what we want in addition to the stars is to photograph a tree, vegetation or even a beacon, we can add the Light Painting technique, or Painting with light, which consists illuminate for 1 or 2 seconds with artificial light from a soft flashlightthe vegetation or whatever we want to see in the photograph.

East Point. Sunset with the Cliff Beacon

Otherwise, only the stars will come out and the rest will be all dark. We can also use the light pollution of a city to our advantage, so that the clouds behind the image we want to obtain illuminate us. The ideal is, between matte and matte, take several photographs, so that when we return home, we have several options to choose the one we liked the most.

More photos and videos: https://www.instagram.com/roberlistro/

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