Fricke Hospital Emergency Unit incorporates identification bracelet for outpatients – Radio Festival

Fricke Hospital Emergency Unit incorporates identification bracelet for outpatients – Radio Festival
Fricke Hospital Emergency Unit incorporates identification bracelet for outpatients – Radio Festival

For a month now, all patients who enter the Adult Emergency Unit of the Dr. Gustavo Fricke Hospital They receive a secure clasp bracelet containing their identification details.

This is a safety practice that reduces the risk of adverse events associated with health care and promotes personalized treatment, and which until now had not been implemented in other establishments in the healthcare network.

At the time of registration at Admission, each patient is given the bracelet to place comfortably on the wrist. Once the user verifies that their data is correct, they must keep it in until their effective registration; and if the bracelet is damaged or lost, you must inform the health personnel for its replacement.

“The idea is to identify every patient who consults urgently, starting with the Adult Emergency Unit, continuing with the Children’s Emergency Unit and the Obstetric Gynecological Emergency Unit. “This measure seeks to avoid the risk of adverse events associated with care and also continue working on more humanized treatment.”, as Mabel Carvajal, nurse from the Quality and Patient Safety Unit, explains.

Marjorie Marchant, Adult Emergency Unit Supervisor Nurse states that “This is a milestone for us as a unit and also as an institution. Some years ago we had researched that identifying our hospitalized patients was essential for procedures or for all types of care. However, when we received our outpatients, who average 300 patients in 24 hours, events also occurred within this process. We also join, for example, the patient who is in the waiting room, who has not yet had a medical evaluation, who is with her admission and with the categorization carried out by the nurse.

The Supervisor adds that since it is a Unit with high demand for care and with high-risk patients from the entire network, this initiative not only involves the nursing team but also the Admission officials who print and deliver the bracelet, and the counselors and guards who assist those who cannot put on the device. “They were making 30 bracelets per shift, 90 in total in 24 hours, and from there the implementation has been gradual. And people leave satisfied, the majority appreciate it, because they themselves say that if something happens they can know who is next to them, the older adult population that consults with us are the most grateful in this process,” ends.

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