another 70 specialists to Calabria!

In the midst of the health crisis on the island, given the shortage of medicines and the lack of health personnel, Cuba continues to “export” doctors to Italy, specifically to the region of Calabria. Now, it will send 70 specialists from branches such as orthopedics, cardiology and pediatrics.

According to a report from the official agency, Prensa Latina, the Calabrian governor, Roberto Occhiuto, reported that visa procedures are already being carried out so that this month, more Cuban doctors, with specialties such as emergency, gynecology, orthopedics, can arrive in this area of ​​Italy. , radiology, cardiology and pediatrics.

In this regard, Cuban pediatrician Iván Martínez, coordinator of the island’s medical team in the province of Crotone, highlighted the quality of his colleagues on the island and added that “our leader, Fidel Castro, focused on the training of specialists in various sectors, including medicine.”

“Calabria had the courage to ask for support from those who always help with their doctors and naturally we accepted, and although at first it was not easy, the Cuban doctors, with their skills, overcame all mistrust and the experience so far is extraordinary,” Martínez added.

Cuban doctors in Italy, 70 more

Since 2022, hundreds of doctors from Cuba have been “exported” to Italy, with agreements between both nations. In December of that year, the first group of 51 doctors arrived, to which 120 were added in August 2023 and another 106 in January of this year. Now in June 70 more will arrive.

The current group of Cuban doctors has 274 members, but with the upcoming incorporation of 70 new professionals, the number will reach 344. This year the team is expected to grow to 500 members, the ruling party said.

They indicated that this reinforcement will allow the expansion of the services already offered in 27 hospitals in the five Calabrian provinces: Catanzaro, Cosenza, Crotone, Reggio Calabria and Vibo Valentia.

While Cuba suffers from a shortage of personnel and conditions in hospitals are not optimal, the island continues to export doctors to the rest of the world and charge for this “humanitarian aid.”

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