Femicide in Colombia: man accused of beheading his partner captured in Medellín

Femicide in Colombia: man accused of beheading his partner captured in Medellín
Femicide in Colombia: man accused of beheading his partner captured in Medellín

The accused had a history of violence against the victim – credit Andina, Medellín Metropolitan Police

After a year and four months of the feminicide of Nancy Castaño, registered in the El Cucaracho sector of the 7 Robledo commune of Medellín, the authorities arrested a 57-year-old man, who was her partner at the time and who also had a history of violence towards her.

The capture of the accused was recorded after the agencies in charge managed to identify the body of the victim, who was decapitated and whose remains showed signs of violence, in addition to being in a state of decomposition.

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The victim, 36 years old, was last seen in the house of the accused, located in the Castilla neighborhood of the capital of Antioquia, on February 18, 2023. Later, in March of the same year, the agencies in charge found the lifeless body of a woman in a ravine near the suspect’s home.

The accused must answer for the crimes of forced disappearance and feminicide – credit Medellín Metropolitan Police

Due to the condition of the body, the identification of the remains took several months. However, after complaints from relatives, Lieutenant Colonel César Mauricio Rodríguez Zárate, Operational Commander of the Metropolitan Police of the Aburrá Valley, confirmed that “a body of a woman was identified in June of last year in a ravine of the commune 7 Robledo”, which would correspond to that of Nancy Castaño.

After learning the facts, members of the Criminal Investigation Section of the capital of Antioquia collected the necessary elements to request the arrest of the suspect. So things are, Uniformed members of the Aburrá Valley Metropolitan Police proceeded with the capture of the accused, who must face charges of forced disappearance and feminicide.

These events are made known days after the feminicide of Stefany Barranco Oquendo was recorded, a 32-year-old woman who was murdered by her ex-partner in the facilities of the Santa Fe shopping center, in the north of Bogotá.

The aggressor was attacked by the community – credit @OscuraColombia /

As explained by Major Viviana Alvarado, head of Bogotá Púrpura, “After having a heated argument with her (the victim), (the aggressor) takes out a sharp weapon that he was carrying and attacks her on multiple occasions, causing her death. After this, with the same sharp weapon, he caused quite considerable and serious wounds; He is captured at that moment and, later, taken to a clinic, a care center near the shopping center.”

For their part, from the Santa Fe shopping center they expressed their solidarity with the relatives of those “affected” and, in fact, went so far as to describe the scene as an “isolated and specific act between two people”, in which a woman died. In addition, the establishment indicated that the crime is a matter of investigation for the authorities.

“The incident is under investigation by the authorities and they will be the ones to point out the causes of it. The Santafé Shopping Center, from the first moment, proceeded to activate the established protocol. Immediate notification was given to the competent authorities, who were present at the Shopping Center at 5:14 pm taking control of the situation,” they indicated.

In Colombia, a woman is murdered every 18 hours – credit Jorge Torres/ EFE

It should be noted that crimes like this represent the complex situation of insecurity that women have been experiencing for months throughout the country. For example, as explained by the Colombian Observatory of Femicides on December 31, 2023, in the immediately previous year, 483 cases of this nature were registered throughout the national territory.

Such figures indicate that in Colombia a woman is murdered every 18 hours, an example of a critical panorama of crimes of this nature in recent years.

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