Execution of improvement works began on the Villa Ñirehuao plaza

Execution of improvement works began on the Villa Ñirehuao plaza
Execution of improvement works began on the Villa Ñirehuao plaza

The works involve the investment of 662 million pesos from the Minvu.

With enthusiasm, the authorities and the community experienced the land delivery ceremony to begin the improvement works of the Villa Ñirehuao plaza, a project that will be carried out with an investment of 662 million pesos, within the framework of the Public Spaces Rehabilitation Program of the Ministry of housing and urbanism.

A significant number of families and authorities gathered in the main public space of the town to participate in the act of handing over land from Serviu to Manuel Suazo Illesca’s company, so that it can begin the execution of the project that has a deadline of execution of 210 consecutive days.

The design was carried out by professionals from the Housing Seremi, including contributions provided by the neighbors themselves in citizen participation meetings.

After an artistic presentation by the students of the Valle de la Luna School, authorities, companies, children and adults of the town proceeded to sign the minutes that begin the project to improve the square.

The project considers pavement items, landscaping and architectural works, urban furniture, gardening, children’s games, automatic irrigation, electrical energy and lighting with underground installation, among other advances.

Housing Seremi Paulina Ruz recalled that the challenges of her sector do not only involve carrying out the Housing Emergency Plan, since many resources and great efforts are also being provided to create better public spaces and more neighborhoods for the community.

“The Public Spaces program is the one in charge of this type of initiatives, where we can make an important recovery of space for the neighbors and improve their quality of life, not only thinking about adults, but, in boys, girls, older people,” he indicated.

“Many years ago this space had foundations that are buried here and this mystique has to remain. That’s why we wanted the children and neighbors to also sign the land delivery document, since that reflects joint work and an interest on the part of the entire community to see their town better,” said Paulina Ruz.

The mayor of Coyhaique Carlos Gatica expressed his satisfaction at seeing that one more project is beginning to become a reality, among many others that are being promoted in the town and in different sectors of the commune.

“What is created here is a space where we can strengthen the community, it is a recreation space for our boys and girls, a meeting space for our young people and adults, and also to strengthen any relationship that may be generated within our town,” said the community leader.

The president of the neighborhood association, Gloría Guzmán, was also happy about the progress that is being achieved for the families of the town, since to carry out this project it was necessary to overcome difficulties and put in a lot of work by the leaders and neighbors.

“It was reiterated to the authorities that it was time for us to have a place, and today we are here. We just hope that we continue to move forward, now the streets are also coming, with the participatory pavement and we are going to talk with the seremi to have clarity regarding the dates,” she stated.

This urban work, in addition to renewing the image of the town, will bring employment, incentives to the local economy and, above all, it will enable quality and safe spaces for families and visitors who need quality areas for meeting, resting and recreation.

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