Plazoleta de Artesanos will have a tourist corridor for the Ibagué festivities

Plazoleta de Artesanos will have a tourist corridor for the Ibagué festivities
Plazoleta de Artesanos will have a tourist corridor for the Ibagué festivities

For four months, merchants have been working on a mandala cover with the aim of beautifying the city and giving people a tourist reference point.

Magnets, keychains and handles from Ibagué are part of the typical souvenirs best sold by artisans during folklore festivities. This was confirmed by the merchants of the Plazoleta de Artesanos, who also They will bet on a cover in mandalas so that locals and visitors can take the best souvenir photos.

“We have been close to 17 weeks working as a team to make a thousand mandalas. With this project, which is the initiative of our artisans, we hope to have a spectacular tourist corridor.”he indicated Cindy Benítez, merchant.

Additionally, these artists who make products by hand will launch the official magnet of the 50th Colombian Folk Festival and they will continue with the marketing of miniature matachines.

We hope you come, visit us and support us “These entrepreneurial families who love craftsmanship and love Ibagué”Benitez added.

In total son 24 artisans those who gather in this Plazoleta, located on Calle 10 with Carrera Quinta.


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