Hot line and letters arrive

Hot line and letters arrive
Hot line and letters arrive


Order for electricity, since April


“Since April 30, I have been complaining to the Municipality’s 0800 number for replacement of lights. The complaint number is: 27937. We have not yet had positive results. I am resorting to this space in the newspaper to request a prompt response and solution to what I requested.”

The real problems

“My question is just a question: who, in their right mind and with minimal contact with reality, would think of allocating funds to the central flowerbeds of the avenues when the streets are destroyed? We all want Santa Fe to be beautiful , but first it must be able to be traveled without destroying our cars. When they come to power there is a virus that makes them sick away from the people? I very much agree with Councilor Mudallel’s point. How do they not realize the real problems. “Dr. Poletti, who I voted for, has to inform the people of this city why he doesn’t do anything he promised when he was campaigning. I don’t even feel like going to vote anymore.”

Common sense

“I am outraged! Seeing how the Deliberative Council of the city of Santa Fe spends its time paying tribute to Mrs. María Azucena, who worked on children’s television programs. I have nothing against her nor do I stop valuing her work, but, I mean, in a country on the verge of a social outbreak, in a city that has no connection even with the residents of São Tomé; in a city where there are not even street lights, our honorable councilors have nothing else! What is more important to do for people’s destinies than to start doing these nonsense, to pay tribute to an artist?! I am very upset, but it is not the first time, they are always busy with nonsense, while the city has a misery that gives It’s a pity. While the province and the country are struggling with the biggest crisis that Argentina has ever had, these people are involved in this type of thing… Let’s add the idea of ​​someone who was a councilor, of creating a place of contact with extraterrestrial beings! we are full! That is to say: the requirement to be a councilor is to lose common sense… Why don’t you go home!! “We can function without a Deliberative Council, why are we going to have these characters occupying seats and receiving a juicy salary?”

Prevent the looting of the country

“It is to answer Mr. Martínez: those who support Milei are not because they agree on everything, but because of a lack of alternatives. We are tired of Peronism, of Kirchnerism, of corruption, but we also do not want them to take advantage of this debacle to come and loot the country, which has immense natural resources: lithium, which they point to, the mineral of the future; keeping the universities, the banks, the media, etc… On the other hand, I also believe that there are many ‘envelopes’… “.


Greetings to employees of El Litoral


I am addressing employees from the Editorial Office and other areas of the newspaper El Litoral. As president of the Canillitas Group, I greet Natalia Pandolfo: I was the canillita of her family; I also greet my friend Roberto Ríspolo; to the photographer Manuel Fabatía, and to all its members. Thank you very much for providing information to all Santa Fe residents.


The testimony of Alicia Reynoso and Stella Morales is eloquent. They were nurses at the Río Gallegos Relocatable Hospital, during the war between Argentina and the United Kingdom in 1982, and they commented on their personal experience.

They said that the food arrived at a certain place (sheds in Puerto Argentino) and those who were supposed to distribute the food did not do so. Therefore, the combatants did not receive most of what was sent.

What happened in the Malvinas bears a certain similarity to the five million kilos of food stored in warehouses of the Ministry of Human Capital, whose expiration is close (and others have already expired) and which have not been distributed – to date – among the most needy, despite the fact that Judge Sebastián Casanello asked Minister Sandra Pettovello that they be distributed immediately.

The problems are many and they exist, but the president does not

This Argentina with 50% poverty, a summary of years of populism, has an approximate stock of 55 million heads of cattle, cows as we commonly say. The same amount that existed during the time of President Illia back in 1964 and that with minimal variations remained until today. Is it possible that governments have disregarded this valuable asset and our fertile grasslands to improve foreign trade, increase it, multiply it? Yes. And on the contrary they suffocated them with taxes and restrictive regulations.

By comparison, Brazil had half as many cattle and today it comfortably surpasses us. But there is another cow that has been bogged down in its problems and complaints for more than 90 years: Dead Cow. A 30,000 km2 field with excellent extraction conditions and which according to studies has reserves of 27,000 million barrels of oil and shale gas, which makes our country the second largest reservoir in the world, displacing the United States.

As a mockery, today industries and companies are without gas and only a diplomatic effort allowed Petrobras to provide us with the fluid in the face of imminent cuts. Diplomacy that first had to overcome the insults that our president dedicated to Mr. Lula during the campaign.

I ask Mr. Milei to end the world tour for his book, or give lectures to audiences, which does not solve the problems of Argentines. From every point of view they are useless, except for the promotion of his person. There is too much improvisation and evident lack of planning in the government.

The rejections of the DNU, the major modifications of the Bases law and the absence of superior projects for our immense assets that have been there for years, await an absent leader who will work and use them for the progress of the Nation.

The asymmetry between power and citizens

The democratic exercise of voting for those who are going to govern, in each election, is just one part of living in a republican system. Then, once the “elected” are in office, the controls on their respective performance in power are almost non-existent or very lax. To cite a specific case: a few days ago, the Upper House of our Legislature presented, in accordance with the Executive Branch, a bill to create a Social Security Reform Commission. At the time of the debate in the venue, a project was ended up being approved that leaves Social Security out of the discussion (today suffering the worst crisis in the last thirty years). The project enables a discussion on a single branch of the matter that refers to the system of a retirement law. Poor, very poor. Just something with a sung ending, nothingness itself. The serious thing is that this happens through the power of the lobbies carried out by those who have interests different from what the majority of taxpayers need.

The EP looks over the shoulders of the retirees as these events unfold, undaunted, forgetting the pre-electoral promises and the tacit social contract with the citizens who have no spaces for opinion or debate that can be heard.

Surely, the project that is currently in the Lower House will be approved with the same patches that its peers in the neighboring chamber approved. It is sad that only those who have Power are listened to. For example, two Social Security Forums were held during 2024, in which this tool of the right that we have guaranteed in our Constitution was not debated. A shame, an almost unique opportunity wasted because of what we said at the beginning: the asymmetry is so notable between those in power and their citizens that nothing can go well.

History repeats itself, regardless of the political party in power. Democracy deserves much more.

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