Santiago will have the longest bicycle lane in Chile: Where will it be located?

Santiago will have the longest bicycle lane in Chile: Where will it be located?
Santiago will have the longest bicycle lane in Chile: Where will it be located?

What happened?

In November 2024, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning (Minvu) plans to begin building the longest bicycle lane in Chile, which will be located in the Metropolitan region and will have 8 kilometers long.

The project, financed by the State and the Regional Government, has an estimated budget of 14,500 million pesos.

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Where will the longest cycle path in Chile be?

The construction of this cycle path, which is part of the remodeling of the Alameda – Providencia Axis, will be built next to the central lane of Alameda, connecting Pajaritos, with the Baquedano Metro stationin the commune of Providencia.

“These are necessary works, with a high standard, with important safety elements and the improvement of pedestrian crossings. An obvious change with what currently exists and they are necessary so that cyclists can use them without having major concerns,” explained the housing minister, Carlos Montes.


The Secretary of State also specified that “we want the cycle path that will connect Plaza Italia with Pajaritos to serve to interconnect different neighborhoods.”

The new cycle path will have a width of between 1.50 and 1.80 meters on each side of the shoulder between the Santiago Bueras Parklocated in the commune of Lo Prado – right where Route 68 begins – and the street Miraflores in Santiago Centro.

Longest cycle path in Chile (Minvu)

Between Miraflores and Vicuña MackennaMeanwhile, the road will be bidirectional, with a width of between 2.2 and 2.5 meters on the north side of the ditch.

Additionally, the new works They will link with different existing cycle pathsso it would join Vitacura with Maipú.

The minister explained that, when the works are completed, a cyclist will be able to reach, through the eastern sector, the Lo Curro roundabout in Vitacura and to the west to Maipú, consolidating a 44-kilometer network of cycle paths.

“For example, someone could be at the National Stadium and pedal along Antonio Varas Street, to the Andrés Bello cycle path, connect with Alameda, turn onto Teatinos and visit the Palacio de La Moneda or reach Mapocho Station, on absolutely exclusively for bicycles and continue through the Family Park, to the Mapocho Río park, which will be fully inaugurated in the coming months,” said Montes.

The construction of this cycle path is not the only emblematic work of the Alameda Providencia Axis remodeling project. The initiative also contemplates the improvement of Plaza Italia; and the improvement of Nudo Pajaritos and Santiago Bueras Park.

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