These were the products that were stopped being purchased in Colombia because they were expensive and those that triggered consumption in 2024

These were the products that were stopped being purchased in Colombia because they were expensive and those that triggered consumption in 2024
These were the products that were stopped being purchased in Colombia because they were expensive and those that triggered consumption in 2024

Eggs are among the products most consumed by Colombians – credit Fenavi

In Colombia the economic situation is increasingly difficult. An example of this is that interannual inflation closed April 2024 at 7.16%, while in what has to do with the current year (January – April), it was 3.34%. In turn, the monthly rate did so at 0.59%. According to the National Administrative Department of Statistics (Dane), the spending division that had the greatest inflationary growth this month was food and non-alcoholic beverages (1.16%). It stood at 5.38%.

Without a doubt, this is a clear example of the panorama that the country is experiencing, a fact that is now confirmed by a recent study carried out by the firm LookApp. This revealed important data on food consumption in Colombia between January and March of this year.

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The analysis, which included 400 people over 18 years of age from different socioeconomic levels in the main cities of the country, showed that the most consumed foods in this period were eggs (85%), rice (84%), chicken and potatoes (67%), followed by grains (64%), fruits (62%) and dairy products (62%). One of the most notable conclusions of the report is the perception of an increase in the prices of essential products.

Dane revealed that April inflation in Colombia was 0.59% – Dane credit

“The products that have shown a greater price increase for the Colombians surveyed include beef (49%), chicken (41%), fruits (41%) and dairy products (41%)”, with respect to the last three months. This led to 73% of those surveyed changed their consumption habits due to the cost of the products, while 27% of the participants indicated that they had not made significant changes to their diet.

The study also reflects consumers’ perspective on price developments. 84% of those surveyed consider that the products have not decreased in price, and only 16% perceived a drop in costs. Among the products that experienced a decrease in prices, eggs (39%), potatoes (24%) and bananas (18%) stand out. These percentages indicate a clear concern among Colombians about inflation and the current economy.

Fruits are among the products that rose the most in price in 2024 – Colprensa credit

Another relevant aspect of the report has to do with the factors that influence the choice of food products. Price is the main concern for 75% of respondents, followed by quality (52%), nutritional component (27%) and brand (16%). Prioritizing cost over other factors highlights the economic challenges many Colombian families face.

“Consumers prioritize price over other factors due to current economic pressures,” LookApp highlighted.

In terms of purchasing power, the study revealed that 49% of those surveyed feel that purchasing capacity has improved so far this year, while 25% consider that it has improved and the rest do not perceive significant changes. This negative perception is linked to the constant rise in prices of basic products, a situation that forced many to make adjustments to their monthly budget.

Contrary to the high frequency of consumption of certain foods, other products such as Chocolate (11%), flour (14%), coffee (22%), fish (27%) and cassava (28%) were the least consumed by those surveyed. This trend indicates a possible relationship between the cost of these products and the frequency of their consumption.

Although the annual inflation rate in Colombia has been declining for a year, Colombians still do not feel much relief in their pockets – Colpresa credit

“Less consumed foods tend to be more expensive or perceived as less necessary in the daily diet,” the report noted.

The survey highlights the urgency of implementing policies that mitigate inflation and improve living conditions in Colombia. “The majority have noticed a significant increase in the prices of essential products and have had to adjust their consumption habits to adapt to this economic reality”LookApp pointed out. This economic landscape presents significant challenges for both consumers and public policy makers.

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